2009/12/3 Mark Proctor <mproc...@codehaus.org>

>  http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/UsagePatterns

This link is OK, but from there on,

   - some point to "An article with that name does not exist. It may have
   been renamed or deleted."
   - one or two forward you to sketchy pages, not really explaining
   - a few lead to theoretical discussions, not remotely showing anything
   like workable examples.

Not perfect, but at least consistent, moderately readable and, possibly,
even helpful is Cousin Jess' WiKi, see


> Mark
> Ross H wrote:
> I've been using Drools for about a year now, but still consider myself a
> newbie,
> although I'm starting to get a better idea of how to implement solutions,
> for the
> experts this is probably second nature.
>  Whilst the Drools doco is very good, and the blog/mailing lists are a
> great source of info,
> and there are now some very good books on Drools, there is a hugh amount
> of
> functionality emerging in the Drools project, it's almost becoming a full
> time activity just
> to keep up. I wonder if the time is coming to start collecting real
> experiences into a form that
> makes it easier for new users to work out how to attack their problem.
>  I hate to re-invent the wheel and if this exists in some form elsewhere,
> I'd like to know.
> If not, then it might be good to capture this knowledge in some way. I'm
> interested in
> some views from the user community on what they would like to see.
>  Maybe the way to go is add some pages to the JBoss Drools wiki and evolve
> it from there,
> and provide a way for the drools user community to contribute to the
> overall success of Drools,
> rather than just ask questions.
>  ------------------------------
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