Hi Thomas,

Just wanted to let you know that the eval soution finally worked. I create a
'containsCode' method on my Line bean and then used that to see if the Line
contained a given code. Then finally used 'eval' to check if the 'code'
exists from within a decision table. 

Got what I needed.

Thanks for the solution. 

Swindells, Thomas wrote:
> Hi Gurvinder.
> Not sure where new lines have gone from your email - it makes it very hard
> to read!
> I've also been working on a project which uses decision tables and I
> couldn't find any way to use from statements either.  I'm hoping to get
> some time within the project to work on the drools decision table code to
> add some improvements, providing support for the from clause is one of
> these however I'm not sure whether I will get time or not.
> However I think you may be able to restructure your code so that you don't
> need the from cause however I've not fully tested it. The code relies on
> their existing a constructor which takes the promotion code and the equals
> is defined that P1.equals(P2) when P1.code.equals(P2.code).
> If you wanted to match that a promotion of a particular name exists then I
> think you can use the rule
> Rule "existsPromotion"  when
> Line(promos contains (new Promotion("HOTBUY"))) then ...
> However the expression language doesn't support "not contains" which means
> you have to full back to use java:
> rule " contains d"
>       when
>             line : Line(eval(!line.getPromos().contains(new
> Promotion("HOTBUY"))))
>       then
>             ...
> end
> If you prefer you could also define a method on Line
> containsPromotionWithCode(code) which would let you choose how to do the
> match.
> As a spreadsheet the above would then look something like the following:
> RuleTable Hotbuys
> l :Line
> eval(!l.getPromos().contains(new Promotion("$param")))
> System.out.println("$param");
> Rule Name
> Number Directors
> Warning
> example1
> Hotbuys
> Hotbuys missing
> Hope that helps,
> Thomas
> From: rules-users-boun...@lists.jboss.org
> [mailto:rules-users-boun...@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of groovenarula
> Sent: 03 December 2009 06:51
> To: rules-users@lists.jboss.org
> Subject: [rules-users] Can we use 'from' CE in Decision Tables ?
> Hello all, Is it possible to define the follow rule in a decision table :
> rule "Activate Promotion" when l : Line( ) not ( Promotion ( code ==
> "HOTBUY" ) from l.promos ) then #do some action end The rule above works
> perfectly for what I need when defined in a rule file. However, when I try
> to define it in a decision table so that the 'code' can be feed from a
> spreadsheet, I use the following values in the rules cells : RuleTable
> HOTBUYS CONDITION ACTION l : Line not ( Promotion ( code == "$param" )
> from l.promos ) System.out.println("$param added"); PROMOTION PROMOTION
> HOTBUY BESTBUY I'm getting the following parser errors [10,17]: [ERR 101]
> Line 10:17 no viable alternative at input 'Promotion' in rule "_11" in
> pattern Line [10,29]: [ERR 101] Line 10:29 no viable alternative at input
> 'code' in rule "_11" [10,63]: [ERR 102] Line 10:63 mismatched input ')'
> expecting 'then' in rule "_11" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could
> not parse knowledge. at
> com.sample.DecisionTableTest.readKnowledgeBase(DecisionTableTest.java:85)
> at com.sample.DecisionTableTest.main(DecisionTableTest.java:28) Also in
> Eclipse IDE, I get the following error : "Unknown error while parsing.
> This is a bug. Please contact the Development team." NewPromotions.xls Is
> it possible to use 'from' conditional element in decision tables ? If so,
> what am I doing wrong. If not, then what's the best approach to implement
> the rule above in a decision table. I'm running Drools 5.1.0M1 in Eclipse.
> Help truly appreciated. Gurvinder
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