Is your project a Drools project? You can convert existing projects to 
a Drools projects by right-clicking the project and selecting "Convert 
to Drools Project".  This will add the Drools library (which you can 
remove if you don't need it) and adds a Drools Builder.  This builder 
is crucial as it generates the necessary meta-data used for 
breakpoints.  You should be able to see the drools builder in 
the .project file.  Also make sure that you have not turned off caching 
in the Drools preferences.  The structure of your process should not 
matter, as long as your rules are on the classpath.  You can easily 
check whether the drools builder is working, as it should show errors 
for incorrect syntax in your rule files.


Citeren chris richmond <>:

> Ok, I have a project working with Eclipse Galileo 3.5.1 and it works
> fine. I
> can create new drools projects and they debug fine with the
> DroolsTest
> example.  However I have a very larege existing project that does not
> use
> the src/main/java and src/main/rules src folder structure and the
> project
> runs fine, and I can "Debug as Drools Application" no problem,
> however it
> will never stop on any breakpoints in the rules file.  Does this
> have
> anything to do with the fact that I am not using the default
> src/rules
> direcories structure?  Or, is it dependent on loading the DRL file in
> a
> particular method.  I am loading the file usin this method:
> fis = *new*
> *new**"C:\\Path\\To\\Some\\Dir\\rules.drl*));
>  builder.add(ResourceFactory.*newInputStreamResource*(fis),
> ResourceType.*DRL*);
> Should I be loading the fule file using the DroolsTest sample code
> method
> like below?
> KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder =
> KnowledgeBuilderFactory.*newKnowledgeBuilder*();
> kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.*newClassPathResource*("Sample.drl"),
> ResourceType.*DRL*);
> Does these even make a difference?  Or any ideas why I can't get any
> debug
> breakpoints in my rule file in my custom project to go into
> break-time?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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