I’m new to Drools and having trouble accessing my Domain object which is 
basically a container around a map.
class Person {
    Map props;
    public Map getProps();
…. Extra stuff
I want to create a rule that will match when Age is greater than 20 and name is 
one of “Fred”, “Barney”, or “Wilma”.  These  entries are stored in the Map 
props, so that to get age, you would call person.getProps().get(“AGE”)
rule "My Rule"
                dialect "mvel"
                                $person : Person(
                                    props[“AGE”] > 20,
                                    props[“NAME”] memberOf [“Fred”, “Wilma”, 
                                System.out.println("found match”+$person);
But I am running into a parsing error:
no viable alternative at input ')' in rule "My Rule" in pattern Person.
The second condition seems to be the problem.  Can I check for membership 
inside a List I create inline in mvel?
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