Hi Kris,

the link bellow does not work.

I get


HTTP Status 404 -

type Status report


description The requested resource () is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.18



Am 27.03.2010, 01:18 Uhr, schrieb Kris Verlaenen  

> Robert,
> I tried to open your file and it seems to open just fine in the latest
> version.  If it only opens with a start node, do you also get an
> exception dialog when that happens?  There will probably also be an
> exception trace in the error log, that might be useful.
> But I guess this might have been a bug that has been fixed already.
> Could you try out with the latest trunk version?
> http://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/drools/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/trunk/target/
> Kris
> Quoting Robert <robert.weissm...@web.de>:
>> Hi Mauricio,
>> that would be great.
>> Here is the definition (only a small test definition), exported using
>> "Download BPMN 2.0 DI XML" :
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
>> <definitions id="oryx_37da1dc5-14cc-4849-856a-44eff9c96832"
>> typeLanguage="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
>> expressionLanguage="http://www.w3.org/1999/XPath";
>> targetNamespace="http://www.omg.org/bpmn20";
>> xmlns="http://schema.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0";
>> xmlns:bpmndi="http://bpmndi.org";>
>>      <process id="oryx_11d9ebf0-622b-4961-ad3d-769327e59339">
>>          <laneSet id="oryx_7b93b969-906f-4cbc-ada5-b7dd3349f778">
>>              <lane name="DefaultLane"
>> id="oryx_db52d7c8-8229-427a-ac44-90bdc318802f">
>> <flowElementRef>oryx_3F4C72AA-F186-4555-999A-C9AC6955BB1D</flowElementRef>
>> <flowElementRef>oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496</flowElementRef>
>> <flowElementRef>oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895</flowElementRef>
>> <flowElementRef>oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229</flowElementRef>
>> <flowElementRef>oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3</flowElementRef>
>> <flowElementRef>oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B</flowElementRef>
>> <flowElementRef>oryx_6836E914-0EC4-4A5C-B149-02153F9F58B6</flowElementRef>
>>              </lane>
>>          </laneSet>
>>          <startEvent name="Start"
>> id="oryx_3F4C72AA-F186-4555-999A-C9AC6955BB1D"/>
>>          <task name="Pizza
>> order" id="oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496"/>
>>          <exclusiveGateway gatewayDirection="diverging" name=""
>> id="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895"/>
>>          <task name="Coke
>> order" id="oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229"/>
>>          <exclusiveGateway gatewayDirection="converging" name=""
>> id="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3"/>
>>          <task name="Sprite
>> order" id="oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B"/>
>>          <endEvent name="End"
>> id="oryx_6836E914-0EC4-4A5C-B149-02153F9F58B6"/>
>>          <sequenceFlow
>> targetRef="oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496"
>> sourceRef="oryx_3F4C72AA-F186-4555-999A-C9AC6955BB1D" name=""
>> id="oryx_9E693E6D-4FE9-4795-9827-D0D7BAC99B46"/>
>>          <sequenceFlow
>> targetRef="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895"
>> sourceRef="oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496" name=""
>> id="oryx_B846F5A5-2063-43D0-9656-96DB28BF4627"/>
>>          <sequenceFlow
>> targetRef="oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229"
>> sourceRef="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895" name=""
>> id="oryx_FFF05CBD-DB90-4D68-9BD0-D04FA898A098"/>
>>          <sequenceFlow
>> targetRef="oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B"
>> sourceRef="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895" name=""
>> id="oryx_09A31CD6-0D95-47FA-9D8F-94F6C81A7D5D"/>
>>          <sequenceFlow
>> targetRef="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3"
>> sourceRef="oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B" name=""
>> id="oryx_EE42562E-D5FF-411E-B8DC-B64FA311B483"/>
>>          <sequenceFlow
>> targetRef="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3"
>> sourceRef="oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229" name=""
>> id="oryx_993496A8-52CC-4797-92C0-7ED96E61328D"/>
>>          <sequenceFlow
>> targetRef="oryx_6836E914-0EC4-4A5C-B149-02153F9F58B6"
>> sourceRef="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3" name=""
>> id="oryx_081B7B3D-07A4-4185-9C4C-8E30C5A49D59"/>
>>      </process>
>>      <bpmndi:processDiagram
>> processRef="oryx_11d9ebf0-622b-4961-ad3d-769327e59339"
>> id="oryx_11d9ebf0-622b-4961-ad3d-769327e59339_gui">
>>          <bpmndi:laneCompartment isVisible="false" height="0.0"
>> width="0.0"
>> y="0.0" x="0.0" name="DefaultLane"
>> id="oryx_db52d7c8-8229-427a-ac44-90bdc318802f_gui">
>>              <bpmndi:eventShape
>> eventRef="oryx_3F4C72AA-F186-4555-999A-C9AC6955BB1D" height="30.0"
>> width="30.0" y="60.0" x="0.0" name="Start"
>> id="oryx_3F4C72AA-F186-4555-999A-C9AC6955BB1D_gui"/>
>>              <bpmndi:activityShape
>> activityRef="oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496" height="80.0"
>> width="100.0" y="35.0" x="105.0" name="Pizza
>> order" id="oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496_gui"/>
>>              <bpmndi:gatewayShape
>> gatewayRef="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895" height="40.0"
>> width="40.0" y="55.0" x="254.0" name=""
>> id="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895_gui"/>
>>              <bpmndi:activityShape
>> activityRef="oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229" height="80.0"
>> width="100.0" y="0.0" x="328.0" name="Coke
>> order" id="oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229_gui"/>
>>              <bpmndi:gatewayShape
>> gatewayRef="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3" height="40.0"
>> width="40.0" y="59.0" x="476.0" name=""
>> id="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3_gui"/>
>>              <bpmndi:activityShape
>> activityRef="oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B" height="80.0"
>> width="100.0" y="120.0" x="314.0" name="Sprite
>> order" id="oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B_gui"/>
>>              <bpmndi:eventShape
>> eventRef="oryx_6836E914-0EC4-4A5C-B149-02153F9F58B6" height="28.0"
>> width="28.0" y="52.0" x="605.0" name="End"
>> id="oryx_6836E914-0EC4-4A5C-B149-02153F9F58B6_gui"/>
>>          </bpmndi:laneCompartment>
>>          <bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector
>> sequenceFlowRef="oryx_9E693E6D-4FE9-4795-9827-D0D7BAC99B46" label=""
>> targetRef="oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496_gui"
>> sourceRef="oryx_3F4C72AA-F186-4555-999A-C9AC6955BB1D_gui"
>> id="oryx_9E693E6D-4FE9-4795-9827-D0D7BAC99B46_gui"/>
>>          <bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector
>> sequenceFlowRef="oryx_B846F5A5-2063-43D0-9656-96DB28BF4627" label=""
>> targetRef="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895_gui"
>> sourceRef="oryx_F17912E1-B44A-481C-83AB-79B3419DF496_gui"
>> id="oryx_B846F5A5-2063-43D0-9656-96DB28BF4627_gui"/>
>>          <bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector
>> sequenceFlowRef="oryx_FFF05CBD-DB90-4D68-9BD0-D04FA898A098" label=""
>> targetRef="oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229_gui"
>> sourceRef="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895_gui"
>> id="oryx_FFF05CBD-DB90-4D68-9BD0-D04FA898A098_gui">
>>              <bpmndi:bendpoint y="40.0" x="274.5"/>
>>          </bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector>
>>          <bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector
>> sequenceFlowRef="oryx_09A31CD6-0D95-47FA-9D8F-94F6C81A7D5D" label=""
>> targetRef="oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B_gui"
>> sourceRef="oryx_76708B75-B83A-40F4-95E1-82BA9D40A895_gui"
>> id="oryx_09A31CD6-0D95-47FA-9D8F-94F6C81A7D5D_gui">
>>              <bpmndi:bendpoint y="160.0" x="274.5"/>
>>          </bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector>
>>          <bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector
>> sequenceFlowRef="oryx_EE42562E-D5FF-411E-B8DC-B64FA311B483" label=""
>> targetRef="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3_gui"
>> sourceRef="oryx_C10F8B29-3C8D-404D-A066-5E5C923A003B_gui"
>> id="oryx_EE42562E-D5FF-411E-B8DC-B64FA311B483_gui">
>>              <bpmndi:bendpoint y="160.0" x="496.5"/>
>>          </bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector>
>>          <bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector
>> sequenceFlowRef="oryx_993496A8-52CC-4797-92C0-7ED96E61328D" label=""
>> targetRef="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3_gui"
>> sourceRef="oryx_F8929AA3-E575-45B6-9949-2BA1A06C6229_gui"
>> id="oryx_993496A8-52CC-4797-92C0-7ED96E61328D_gui"/>
>>          <bpmndi:sequenceFlowConnector
>> sequenceFlowRef="oryx_081B7B3D-07A4-4185-9C4C-8E30C5A49D59" label=""
>> targetRef="oryx_6836E914-0EC4-4A5C-B149-02153F9F58B6_gui"
>> sourceRef="oryx_F96C89FB-AB28-4A39-89EE-82A426815CA3_gui"
>> id="oryx_081B7B3D-07A4-4185-9C4C-8E30C5A49D59_gui"/>
>>      </bpmndi:processDiagram>
>> </definitions>
>> Thanks, cheers, Rob.
>> Am 22.03.2010, 14:34 Uhr, schrieb Mauricio Salatino
>> <sala...@gmail.com>:
>> > I can review your problem, can you share your process definition?
>> >
>> > On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Mark Proctor
>> <mproc...@codehaus.org>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> kris is at eclipsecon at the moment, it might take a while for him
>> to
>> >> catch up with the mailing list.
>> >>
>> >> Mark
>> >> 78On 22/03/2010 08:36, Robert wrote:
>> >> > Hi,
>> >> >
>> >> > my exported BPMN-File from the Oryx-Editor does not open
>> properly in
>> >> the
>> >> > Eclipse-Drools IDE.
>> >> >
>> >> > I set the BPMN-Skin and the Editor is actually open up, but the
>> only
>> >> > symbol displayed is the start-node (but there are  actually many
>> more)
>> >> >
>> >> > What did I do ?
>> >> >
>> >> > I followed the demo at
>> >> >
>> >> > http://people.redhat.com/kverlaen/BPMN2-OryxEditor.swf
>> >> >
>> >> > for creating a BPMN 2.0 model.
>> >> >
>> >> > But somehow the recent version of Oryx seems different.
>> >> >
>> >> > First there are some more options of creating a new modell:
>> >> >
>> >> > - BPMN 2.0 Process
>> >> > - BPMN 2.0 Conversations
>> >> > - BPMN 2.0 Choreographies
>> >> > - ...
>> >> >
>> >> > I choose the first (BPMN 2.0 Process).
>> >> >
>> >> > At exporting it, it looks also somehow different:
>> >> >
>> >> > - ...
>> >> > - Show BPMN 2.0 DI XML
>> >> > - Download BPMN 2.0 DI XML
>> >> > - ...
>> >> >
>> >> > There are others, but nothing looking close to the one used in
>> the
>> >> demo
>> >> > (there you used "Show BPMN 2.0 XML", so the "DI" is different).
>> >> >
>> >> > I guees the format changed somehow.
>> >> >
>> >> > Can you give me some feedback on this, if you also encountered
>> >> problems
>> >> or
>> >> > give me a hint what I did wrong ?
>> >> >
>> >> > Thanks.
>> >> >
>> >> > Cheers, Rob.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> rules-users mailing list
>> >> rules-users@lists.jboss.org
>> >> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-users
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
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