Hi all,

Thanks for your tips. Indeed I had some redundancy in my rule definitions,
now i've removed them and it has reduced memory usage a little bit. Any
other suggestions are welcome :)

thanks again.
_ miguel

2010/3/31 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.l...@gmail.com>

> I can only offer a few hints:
> Factor out all code that can be done in one of the called methods, e.g., in
>   resetSource( ..., Arrays.asList($value1));
> Here, the Arrays.asList() should be done in resetSource().
> Avoid multiple bindings. If you call
>   resetSource( $source,....)
> or
>   checkMayReset( $source,...)
> the additional parameters $object and $CI can be retrieved within
> resetSource().
> The funny String literals are the one thing that are strikingly different
> from what you usually see in rules. String literals cost for each occurrence
> unless you intern strings using javal.lang.String.intern(). (I haven't tried
> whether Drools would accept that instead.) But calculating the raw cost as
> (46 chars*2 bytes/char+20 bytes)*10 times * 700 rule triples  only accounts
> for 0.8MB, so this alone isn't the culprit.
> -W
> 2010/3/31 Miguel Machado <mls.mach...@gmail.com>
> Hi, thanks for answering so quickly.
>> My ±2100 rules are grouped in 700 groups of 3 drools rules each, which are
>> related to the same type of event i want to generate, like the following:
>> rule "event1 reset" no-loop salience 9 activation-group "event1_group"
>> lock-on-active agenda-group "a3ce4a97-13d8-4bec-a9ab-5625fcd0f105"
>>  when
>> $source : SourceBO(
>> ciUUID == "3938adc4-246d-43f3-b606-da4c3f09d49b",
>>  $object : object,
>> $CI : ciUUID,
>> $sourceUUID : sourceUUID)
>>  $value1 : SourceValueBO ( valueName == "VALUE1", numericValue < 90 )
>> eval (checkMayReset($source, "fb95632f-fac9-4359-9d7c-dc38d3e48e20", $CI,
>> $object))
>>  then
>> modify ($value1) { setConditionValue(90) };
>> resetSource($source, "fb95632f-fac9-4359-9d7c-dc38d3e48e20", $CI, $object,
>> "event_version", "event_text", Arrays.asList($value1));
>> end
>> rule "event1 fire" no-loop salience 6 activation-group
>> "event1_group" lock-on-active agenda-group
>> "a3ce4a97-13d8-4bec-a9ab-5625fcd0f105"
>>  when
>> $source : SourceBO(
>> ciUUID == "3938adc4-246d-43f3-b606-da4c3f09d49b",
>>  $object : object,
>> $CI : ciUUID,
>> $sourceUUID : sourceUUID )
>>  $value1: SourceValueBO ( valueName == "VALUE1", numericValue > 90 )
>> then
>>  modify ($value1) { setConditionValue(90) };
>> FireCondition $start = new FireCondition("repeat", 0, "duration", "0s");
>>  addToActivationQueue($source, "fb95632f-fac9-4359-9d7c-dc38d3e48e20",
>> $CI, $object, $start, null, "event_version", "event_text",
>> Arrays.asList($value1));
>>  retract($source);
>> end
>> rule "event1 clear" no-loop salience 5 activation-group "event1_group"
>> lock-on-active agenda-group "a3ce4a97-13d8-4bec-a9ab-5625fcd0f105"
>>  when
>> $source : SourceBO(
>> ciUUID == "3938adc4-246d-43f3-b606-da4c3f09d49b",
>>  $object : object,
>> $CI : ciUUID,
>> $sourceUUID : sourceUUID)
>>  then
>> clearActivationQueue($source, "fb95632f-fac9-4359-9d7c-dc38d3e48e20", $CI,
>> $object);
>> end
>> So, i'l try to explain briefly:
>> * The reset rule evaluates 2 patterns and one condition in a static method
>> available via "import function". As a consequence, it modifies the
>> SourceValueBO object and call's the reset function which is another static
>> method.
>> * The fire rule is very similar to the reset rule, the difference being
>> that the value threshold is different (usually the opposite)
>> * The clear rule is like an "else" to the two above. I want it to fire in
>> case it didn't fall for either one of reset and fire rules.
>> The activation group assures that only one of these rules is fired each
>> time i call session.fireAllRules(). And the agenda-group allows me to stack
>> some rules above others, according to the type of facts i insert into
>> memory.
>> Everything seems in place and it works as intended, the thing is i might
>> be dealing with *lots* of events (event1, event2, etc...) and lots of
>> different UUID's which results in a very large DRL file. For instance, if i
>> have 700 events (event1, event ...event700), i get 2100 drools rules (event1
>> reset, event1 fire, event1 clear ... event700 reset, event700 fire, event700
>> clear) and over 300MB in consumed memory.
>> Perhaps if i took another approach? or some performance tunning, i don't
>> know. Where can i improve this memory hogging?
>> _ miguel
>> On 31 Mar 2010, at 06:53, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
>> The figures (+300MB) you quote are frightening, and it would be *very*
>> interesting to learn what sort of rules causes this excessive amount
>> of heap usage. Could you post typical patterns - if they are
>> generated, there ought to be - and guestimates w.r,t, their relative
>> frequencies?
>> -W
>> On 3/30/10, miguel machado <mls.mach...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi again,
>> On 30 Mar 2010, at 18:32, Edson Tirelli <ed.tire...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>    I am not sure I understand what you are doing when you say:
>> Every X seconds I collect the available facts and call fireAllRules() +
>> dispose(), **always within the same session**.
>> (emphasis is mine)
>> i meant that i keep using the same object, i just create one stateful
>> session throughout the program execution.
>>   Compilation indeed uses more memory, but you can compile once and reuse
>> the kbase.
>> exactly, i'm doing that, but it's a +700 rule file and its taking too much
>> memory. Is there anything i can do to push it down a little bit? i
>> wouldn't
>> mind slowing it down to reduce memory footprint.
>> Also, if you are calling dispose, I guess you are running stateful
>> sessions.
>> Maybe you can give us a more detailed description of your
>> session/data/application lifecycle?
>> Sure, i'll try. So i have this thread which initializes by reading the
>> rule
>> base from a drl file. It then creates a stateful session from it and
>> enters
>> a lifecycle in which it goes to sleep and only when some other thread
>> wakes
>> it up, it collects and inserts some facts (usually 2,3 or 4..) into the
>> session and fire all rules. It's basically this. What i'm very concerned
>> about is the amount of RAM memory the whole program is consuming. I must
>> find a way to reduce some of it, because the rule file is being prepared
>> by
>> an external program and i have no control over the number of rules i might
>> get. If i test it with a little over 700 rules, it reaches +300Mb which is
>> a
>> lot.
>> Maybe the rules are too complex? Shall i try to make them simpler (how)?
>> what are the big memory hogs when it comes to loading a DRL file to the
>> knowledge base? From what i've been testing, it doesn't even matter which
>> rules you will actually need, it just loads the entire DRL file with no
>> respect to the future activations, am i right? Is there any other aspect i
>> should take in mind or maybe other approach?
>> _ miguel
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