Using template you will see that the @{} is replaced "just as is" from the
data (for example from a spreadsheet), so
if you have a value in the example will be replaced as text in the rule and
you will have something like this:

if @{symbol} == "THE_SYMBOL"


rule "A stand alone rule THE_SYMBOL"
dialect "mvel"
 eval(THE_SYMBOL == "AAA")
System.out.println("this symbol is" + THE_SYMBOL)

So as you can see, the variable is no more a variable in the generated rule,
just text, so if you wanna use it as a string, you should add double-quote

your rule template should be something like this:

rule "A stand alone rule @{symbol}"
dialect "mvel"
 eval("@{symbol}" == "AAA")
System.out.println("this symbol is" + "@{symbol}")

2010/4/22 Stefan Marconi <>

> Hi,
> just starting using drools and need to use templates but having error
> messages (described in comments in the code below).
> I checked the meaning of the error messages but still can't figure it out.
> I modified an simple rule according to the template section of the drools
> manual: btw I use the eclipse with the drools-core plugin.
> Thanks for your help. Stefan
> template header
> symbol
> package com.test.processor; # [ERR 102] Line 4:26 mismatched input ';'
> expecting 'identifier' in template header
> template "test"
> rule "A stand alone rule @{symbol}"
> dialect "mvel"
> when
>  eval(@{symbol} == "AAA")
> then
> System.out.println("this symbol is" + @{symbol})
> end
> end template # Multiple markers at this line
> # - [ERR 103] Line 13:0 rule 'rule_key' failed predicate:
> {(validateIdentifierKey(DroolsSoftKeywords.RULE))}? in rule
> # - [ERR 101] Line 13:4 no viable alternative at input 'template' in rule
> end
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