
I have

ksession.getWorkItemManager().registerWorkItemHandler("Human Task",  

     Map<String, Object> processVariables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     processVariables.put("equipment", "OvenQP33");

     ProcessInstance pi = ksession.startProcess(processName,  

... within the taskHandler.executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem,  
WorkItemManager workItemManager):

I am setting a break-point, and I am getting there, but how am I able to  
access my processVariables or even set specific data for this particular  
work-item ?

I tried using as described in the doc "9.1 Human tasks inside processes":

        - Parameter mapping: Allows copying the value of process variables to  
parameters of the human task. Upon creation of the human                    
tasks, the  
values will be copied.

But without any success. I just not getting to the "equipment" variable,  
which I need at this point of processing the work-item.

The mapping I did: "equipment" -> "equipment". With the hope to find them  
within workItem.getParameters(), but they are not there and nowhere-else  

Any ideas ?

Generally there are even many more settings possible for the human task,  
see doc (here the list:  
and on-exit actions,Parameter mapping,Result mapping,Timers,ParentId), but  
only a few are accessible through workItem.getParameters(). The others ?  
Also, no idea to get this data.

Cheers, Rob.

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