
sorry for the newbi question, i'm just starting to find my way in Drools.

i want to  write a rule that filters URLs with a certain suffix (e.g. jpg,
gif, css, etc...).

i read about global vars and other variables and i'm not sure what to do.

i need to create a List with all the suffixes i want to filter, should i
create it inside FileType?

can you help?


here's why i had so far:

the .drl file:

*package com.test.drools*
* *
*import com.test.drools.Facts.FileType;*
* *
*rule "Filter File Types"*
* *
* **when*
*                $fileTypes : ??? *
* **FileType( type memberOf $fileTypes )*
* **then*
* **System.out.println("ALLOW");*

here's FileType:

package com.commtouch.drools;

import java.net.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Facts {
 // return a file type of a url
 public static class FileType {

private String type = "html";

public FileType (URL url) {
 // get the path from the url
 //TODO: use parser to do it?
 String path = url.getPath();
 if (path != null) {
 // define regex to extract file from path
 Pattern fileRegex = Pattern.compile("([^/]+)$");
 Matcher fileMatcher = fileRegex.matcher(path);
     // get regex capure $1 (filename)
 String file = null;
     while (fileMatcher.find())
     file = fileMatcher.group(1);

     String suffix = null;
     if (file != null)
     //try to extract suffix from file
     Pattern suffixRegex = Pattern.compile("\\.([^\\.]+)$");
 Matcher suffixMatcher = suffixRegex.matcher(file);
 while (suffixMatcher.find())
     suffix = suffixMatcher.group(1);
 //verify that the suffix is a valid suffix
 if (suffix != null && (suffix.length()> 1 && suffix.length() < 6))

 public void setType(String type) {
 this.type = type;
 public String getType() {
 return type;

Eyal Edri
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