Try this sequence:

advance clock from 0 to Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010
insert 1st operation
advance clock to next time
insert 2nd operation


2010/5/17 Xavier Coulon <>

> Hello Wolfgang,
> Thanks for you answer. I changed my JUnit test method to the following :
> @Test
>     public void testActivity() throws IOException, ParseException,
>             InterruptedException {
>         // parse the log file
>         Resource logFile = new ClassPathResource(
>                 "activity/activite18h20-18h30-tpcnop01s-extract.log");
>         // converter and inject tracks in the session,
>         List<String> logLines = FileUtils.readLines(logFile.getFile(),
> "UTF-8");
>         // fire all rules
>         session.fireAllRules();
>"loading events");
>         // load events from stream
>         for (String logLine : logLines) {
>             Operation operation = LineConverterUtil.getOperation(logLine);
>             LOGGER.debug("Moving clock from "
>                     + (new Date(clock.getCurrentTime())).toString() + " to
> "
>                     + operation.getDate());
>             *clock.advanceTime(operation.getDate().getTime()*
> *
>                     - clock.getCurrentTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
>             session.fireAllRules();
> *
> *            *// clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
>             LOGGER.debug("Inserting " + operation);
>             FactHandle operationHandle = entryPoint.insert(operation);
>             LOGGER.debug("Insertion done: " +
> operationHandle.toExternalForm());
>         }
>"done with events");
>         // check...
>         Assert.assertTrue("Rule not fired...", listener
>                 .isRuleFired("overActivity"));
>     }
> But it still does not work : the first "operation" is retracted from the
> session when the clock is moved (see my logs below), yet the window of 60s
> is not expired (18:26:47 to 18:27:11)
> Console> 2010-05-17 14:08:22|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
> clock from Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970 to Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010
> Console> 2010-05-17
> 14:08:22|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
> [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1, hostname=server1,
> ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0, responseSize=0]
> *Console> 2010-05-17 14:08:22|WARN
> ||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted: [event
> fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, r*equestSize=0,
> responseSize=0]]
> Console> 2010-05-17
> 14:08:22|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
> fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
> responseSize=0]]
> *Console> 2010-05-17
> 14:08:22|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving clock from Fri Apr
> 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010 to Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010
> **Console> 2010-05-17 14:08:22|WARN
> ||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectRetracted|Object retracted:
> [event fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010,
> executionTime=1, *hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null,
> requestSize=0, responseSize=0]]
> Console> 2010-05-17
> 14:08:22|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
> [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164, hostname=server1,
> ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION, requestSize=1299,
> responseSize=895]
> My code is based on an example from the "Drools JBoss Rules 5.0 developer
> guide" (chapt 7)
> Any idea ?
> Thank you in advance
> Regards,
> Xavier
> 2010/5/17 Wolfgang Laun <>
> You are inserting Operation facts, interleaved with advancing the clock,
>> both of which correctly updates the agenda and eliminates the facts that
>> are pseudo-too-old to matter.
>> But you are never goiving the Engine a chance to fire - until it is
>> pseudo-too-late.
>> Either you call session.fireUntilHalt() in a separate thread or, for unit
>> test, call
>> fireAllRules() after each clock manipulation.
>> HTH
>> -W
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Xavier Coulon <>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm new to Drools (5.0.1) and i've tryied the following (basic) fusion
>>> rule
>>> for a few days now without success.
>>> The rule is to determine if a user performs 2 operations in the sliding
>>> window of 60s. In such a condition, a log message should be triggered.
>>> Here is my DRL code :
>>> # declare events
>>> declare Operation
>>>        @role(event)
>>>        @timestamp(date)
>>> end
>>> rule "overActivity"
>>> dialect "mvel"
>>>        when
>>>                #condition : 2 operation in less than 1 minute
>>>                $operation1 : Operation()
>>>                        over window:time(60s) from entry-point
>>> "OperationStream"
>>>                $operation2 : Operation(this != $operation1, ipAddress ==
>>> $operation1.ipAddress)
>>>                        over window:time(60s) from entry-point
>>> "OperationStream"
>>>        then
>>>                #actions
>>>                System.out.println("over-active user " +
>>> $operation1.ipAddress );
>>> end
>>> And my JUnit test, using a PSEUDO Clock :
>>> public class DroolsRulesTestCase {
>>>        static KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase;
>>>        StatefulKnowledgeSession session;
>>>        // FactHandle handle;
>>>        SessionPseudoClock clock;
>>>        WorkingMemoryEntryPoint entryPoint;
>>>        private TrackingAgendaEventListener listener;
>>>        private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger
>>>                        .getLogger(DroolsRulesTestCase.class);
>>>        @BeforeClass
>>>        public static void globalSetup() throws IOException {
>>>                KnowledgeBuilder builder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory
>>>                                .newKnowledgeBuilder();
>>>                ClassPathResource classPathResource = new
>>> ClassPathResource(
>>>                                "rules/activity-fusion.drl");
>>>                Assert.assertTrue("Rules resource not found",
>>> classPathResource
>>>                                .exists());
>>>  builder.add(ResourceFactory.newInputStreamResource(classPathResource
>>>                                .getInputStream()), ResourceType.DRL);
>>>                Assert.assertFalse("Errors in builder:"
>>>                                + builder.getErrors().toString(),
>>> builder.hasErrors());
>>>                KnowledgeBaseConfiguration configuration =
>>> KnowledgeBaseFactory
>>>                                .newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration();
>>>                configuration.setOption(EventProcessingOption.STREAM);
>>>                knowledgeBase =
>>> KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(configuration);
>>>  knowledgeBase.addKnowledgePackages(builder.getKnowledgePackages());
>>>        }
>>>        @Before
>>>        public void setup() {
>>>                KnowledgeSessionConfiguration configuration =
>>> KnowledgeBaseFactory
>>>                                .newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
>>>                configuration.setOption(ClockTypeOption.get("pseudo"));
>>>                session = knowledgeBase
>>>  .newStatefulKnowledgeSession(configuration, null);
>>>                clock = (SessionPseudoClock) session.getSessionClock();
>>>                listener = new TrackingAgendaEventListener();
>>>                session.addEventListener(listener);
>>>                session.addEventListener(new
>>> TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener());
>>>                entryPoint =
>>> session.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint("OperationStream");
>>>        }
>>>        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>>>        @Test
>>>        public void testActivity() throws IOException, ParseException,
>>>                        InterruptedException {
>>>                // parse the log file
>>>                Resource logFile = new ClassPathResource(
>>>                                "activity/extract.log");
>>>                // converter and inject tracks in the session,
>>>                List<String> logLines =
>>> FileUtils.readLines(logFile.getFile(), "UTF-8");
>>>                // fire all rules
>>>                session.fireAllRules();
>>>      "loading events");
>>>                // load events from stream
>>>                for (String logLine : logLines) {
>>>                        Operation operation =
>>> LineConverterUtil.getOperation(logLine);
>>>                        LOGGER.debug("Inserting " + operation);
>>>                        LOGGER.debug("Moving clock from "
>>>                                        + (new
>>> Date(clock.getCurrentTime())).toString() + " to "
>>>                                        + operation.getDate());
>>>                        clock.advanceTime(operation.getDate().getTime()
>>>                                        - clock.getCurrentTime(),
>>>                        // clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
>>>                        FactHandle operationHandle =
>>> entryPoint.insert(operation);
>>>                        LOGGER.debug("Insertion done: " +
>>> operationHandle.toExternalForm());
>>>                }
>>>      "done with events");
>>>                // check...
>>>                Assert.assertTrue("Rule not fired...", listener
>>>                                .isRuleFired("overActivity"));
>>>        }
>>> }
>>> I also use a TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener to track events.
>>> The test because since the rule is not fired, and the log contains the
>>> following lines :
>>> Console> 2010-05-17 11:15:15|INFO
>>> ||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|loading
>>> events
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
>>> [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1, hostname=server1,
>>> ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0, responseSize=0]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
>>> clock from Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970 to Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010
>>> Console> 2010-05-17 11:15:15|WARN
>>> ||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted:
>>> [event
>>> fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
>>> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
>>> responseSize=0]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
>>> fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
>>> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
>>> responseSize=0]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
>>> [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164, hostname=server1,
>>> ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION, requestSize=1299,
>>> responseSize=895]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
>>> clock from Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010 to Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010
>>> Console> 2010-05-17 11:15:15|WARN
>>> ||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectRetracted|Object retracted:
>>> [event fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010,
>>> executionTime=1, hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null,
>>> requestSize=0, responseSize=0]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17 11:15:15|WARN
>>> ||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted:
>>> [event
>>> fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164,
>>> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION,
>>> requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
>>> fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164,
>>> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION,
>>> requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
>>> [date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1, hostname=server1,
>>> ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0, responseSize=0]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
>>> clock from Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010 to Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010
>>> Console> 2010-05-17 11:15:15|WARN
>>> ||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectRetracted|Object retracted:
>>> [event fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010,
>>> executionTime=164, hostname=server1, ipAddress=,
>>> operation=CONSULTATION, requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17 11:15:15|WARN
>>> ||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted:
>>> [event
>>> fid:3:3:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
>>> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
>>> responseSize=0]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17
>>> 11:15:15|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
>>> fid:3:3:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
>>> hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
>>> responseSize=0]]
>>> Console> 2010-05-17 11:15:15|INFO ||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|done
>>> with events
>>> I guess there is something wrong with my use of the PseudoClock, since
>>> previous operations are retracted before a new one is inserted, which I
>>> believe prevents the rule to be fired.
>>> Can you help me ?
>>> Thank you in advance
>>> Regards,
>>> Xavier
>>> --
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> --
> Xavier
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