More specifically I was wondering if it's possible to pass in this URL

Is it possible to do this. From my research it seems to be that there is a seam 
authentication filter that needs to be bypassed.  Does anyone have any ideas on 
this. Please let me know


[] On Behalf Of Swindells, Thomas
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 4:23 AM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] HELP Drools Guvnor

What you are asking for is incredibly insecure and bad for so many reasons...

If you really want to be passing around your passwords in the url for anybody 
to see then what you may be able to do is to use the standard http method of 
embedding the credentials:
This would then use standard http authentication with the webserver guvnor is 
installed within.  You would then configure guvnor to use its containers 
security to perform the authentication.

The guvnor docs may give you some hints where to start.


[] On Behalf Of Baig, Kaleem
Sent: 17 June 2010 21:04
Subject: [rules-users] HELP Drools Guvnor

I have been able to create users for Guvnor as admin and guest.

But what I want is, instead of going to the login form 

I should be able to pass in the username and password through a query string.
Such as shown below:


Is there a way to do this, please let me know.


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