Apologies Jervis for taking so long to get back to you - and the list.  
Unfortunately I've been unable to get time to get 5.1 installed on my  
machine again, since we're in quite a rush here to get the project  
finished. When I have a bit of free time I will reinstall 5.1 Guvnor  
and try and re-create the bug. Sorry I am unable to help right atm.


Quoting Jervis Liu <j...@redhat.com>:

> Stephen Mcgruer wrote:
>> Just to note, I no longer need help with this. After discovering that
>> the Guvnor 5.1 interface did not work fully (when trying to create a
>> bean in a *when* clause, the pencil icon did not do anything - known
>> bug?) in our environment - Firefox 3.6.8 and IE 6 in Windows XP - we
>> have decided not to migrate yet.
> Hi Could you please be more specific on the "pencil" bug? For example,
> how to reproduce etc, a screen shot would be helpful. Please file a jira
> if its indeed a bug. This will make sure it gets fixed in the next release.
> BTW, why dont you simply install a new Guvnor 5.1? If you want to
> migrate your data, you can use the export function to export data to an
> xml file, then import it back to the new installation.
> Cheers,
> Jervis
>> Cheers,
>> Stephen
>> Quoting Stephen Mcgruer <s0840...@sms.ed.ac.uk>:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Really struggling with what jars I need to replace to update to Drools
>>> 5.1. I've tried replacing just the "drools" jars, but I get a
>>> "java.io.InvalidClassException:
>>> org.drools.rule.DialectRuntimeRegistry; local class incompatible:
>>> stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 5308493362083281112, local class
>>> serialVersionUID = 510" error, so I assume I need to replace more -
>>> but I don't know which. I tried replacing all of the ones that had new
>>> versions in the drools 5.1 binaries, but this caused Hibernate to fail
>>> on runtime, claiming it couldnt understand annotations! The following
>>> is a list of the jars currently in the project for Drools 5.0 - I did
>>> not put together this list originally, so some might not be needed but
>>> I dont know which. I would much appreciate some help working out which
>>> jars I need to change to get my code to talk to Guvnor 5.1...
>>> Main lib:
>>> activation-1.1.jar
>>> antlr-2.7.6.jar
>>> antlrworks-1.3.1.jar
>>> btm-1.3.2.jar
>>> com.springsource.org.apache.commons.pool-1.5.3.jar
>>> commons-collections-3.1.jar
>>> commons-dbcp-1.4.jar
>>> commons-io-1.3.2.jar
>>> commons-lang-2.4.jar
>>> commons-logging.jar
>>> core-3.4.2.v_883_R34x.jar
>>> dom4j.jar
>>> drools-ant-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-api-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-compiler-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-core-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-decisiontables-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-persistence-jpa-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-process-task-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-solver-core-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-templates-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-verifier-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-workitems-5.0.1.jar
>>> ejb3-persistence.jar
>>> hibernate-annotations.jar
>>> hibernate-commons-annotations.jar
>>> hibernate-core.jar
>>> hibernate-entitymanager-3.3.2.GA.jar
>>> hibernate3.jar
>>> janino-2.5.15.jar
>>> jars.txt
>>> javassist-3.9.0.GA.jar
>>> joda-time-1.6.jar
>>> jstl.jar
>>> jta-1.1.jar
>>> junit-3.8.1.jar
>>> log4j-1.2.15.jar
>>> mail-1.4.jar
>>> mvel2-2.0.10.jar
>>> mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar
>>> persistence-api-1.0.jar
>>> servlet-api-2.3.jar
>>> slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar
>>> slf4j-log4j12-1.5.10.jar
>>> spring-2.5.6.jar
>>> spring-beans-2.5.6.jar
>>> spring-context-2.5.6.jar
>>> spring-context-support-2.5.6.jar
>>> spring-core-2.5.6.jar
>>> spring-test-2.5.6.jar
>>> spring-web-2.5.6.jar
>>> spring-webmvc.jar
>>> spring.jar
>>> standard.jar
>>> xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar
>>> xstream-1.3.1.jar
>>> antlr-2.7.6.jar
>>> antlrworks-1.3.1.jar
>>> com.springsource.org.apache.commons.pool-1.5.3.jar
>>> commons-collections-3.1.jar
>>> commons-dbcp-1.4.jar
>>> commons-lang-2.4.jar
>>> commons-logging.jar
>>> dom4j.jar
>>> drools-ant-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-api-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-compiler-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-core-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-decisiontables-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-persistence-jpa-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-process-task-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-templates-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-verifier-5.0.1.jar
>>> drools-workitems-5.0.1.jar
>>> ejb3-persistence.jar
>>> hibernate-annotations.jar
>>> hibernate-commons-annotations.jar
>>> hibernate-core.jar
>>> hibernate3.jar
>>> javassist-3.9.0.GA.jar
>>> jstl.jar
>>> jta-1.1.jar
>>> log4j-1.2.15.jar
>>> mvel2-2.0.10.jar
>>> mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar
>>> slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar
>>> slf4j-log4j12-1.5.10.jar
>>> spring-webmvc.jar
>>> spring.jar
>>> standard.jar
>>> test.txt
>>> xstream-1.3.1.jar
>>> Cheers,
>>> Stephen
>>> --
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