Hi everyone,

I'm reading through Michael Bali's Drools JBoss Rules book as well as the
reference guide, and I've got a question of scope about

I understand that if I call setGlobal on a stateful session, this global
value will be shared for all simultaneous calls to executeRules across all
threads.  I'm looking into CommandFactory, which has a newSetGlobal
method.   From what I gather, a global set via CommandFactory.newSetGlobal
and then executed with a call to
execute(CommandFactory.newBatchExecution(cmds)) would be scoped solely to
that execution, regardless of it is a StatefulKnowledgeSession and there are
other parallel command executions against the same session.

Can anyone confirm if that is accurate?

Thanks in advance,

Ricardo J. Méndez
rules-users mailing list

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