For a pair of events, the performance will be the same with
before/after. If you have more than 2, though, best would be to use
sliding windows.


2010/9/14 Tina Vießmann <>:
> Hi,
> I've mentioned the test case I'm working on before. It's: If a certain value
> exceeds a limit more than X times within Y minutes/hours, do something.
>   ~> Count = X  ,  time = Y
> During a talk with other developers it came up that by intuition the men
> would have chosen a other approach than the women. We can not agree if in
> Drools both approaches are the same in performance or if one is more
> performant.
> Male approach: If a new event with a limit violation is received, check if
> within the last time Y already X events with limit violations are contained
> in the knowledge base .
> Female approach: If a new event with a limit violation is received, check if
> the following events contain X events with limit violation. This is limited
> to a monitoring time of maximal Y. (If there have been X events registered,
> before the time Y is elapsed, the window will be closed right away.)
> In code with Y = 1h it would be:
> Male:
> // determine new event as $triggeringEvent
> $otherEvent : Value (this before[0ms,1h] $triggeringEvent)
> Female:
> // determine event that opened the window as $triggeringEvent
> $otherEvent : Value (this after[0ms,1h] $triggeringEvent)
> This is just a extract so that that the comments are in fact meaningless.
> The focus lies on before and after.
> Is one solution more efficient?
> Thanks! :)
> Tina
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