I would have thought you could re-use the same session in a given single
Thread - Session is not Thread-Safe but not unsafe to reuse.

As an aside, I wonder whether you can use a single session across all
Threads if you used different Entry Points for each Thread (although you'd
probably have to duplicate rules for each Entry Point so not sure the pros-
out weigh the cons-). Edson, Mark?

2010/9/27 Nadav Hashimshony <nad...@gmail.com>

> My rule engine server is multi threaded.
> in the server main i build a knowledgebase:
> KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration config =
> KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration(droolsConf, null);
> KnowledgeBuilder builder =
> KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(config);
> builder.add(ResourceFactory.newFileResource("path to drools pkg",
> ResourceType.PKG);
> KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
> knowledgeBase.addKnowledgePackages(builder.getKnowledgePackages());
> i have 10 threads that have the following code:
> thread run method:
> as long as a Vector has data do:
> 1. StatelessKnowledgeSession droolsSession=
> m_droolsKagent.getKnowledgeBase().newStatelessKnowledgeSession();
> 2. get data object  from a vector
> 3. create fact model from data
> 4. droolsSession.insert(facts);
> 5. droolsSession.fireAllRules();
> 6. do stuff with the response
> 7.droosSession.dispose
> 8.get  next object from vector.
> Questions:
> 1. should i create each time the droolsSession? or can i resuse the same
> one, meaning can i create it in the Thread's constractor?
> Thanks
> Nadav.
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