I am developing a set of rules around validating messages in a B2B 
messaging environment and I would like to have my rules builders have 
control of the valid set of values for a particular field preferably 
without creating a new fact model.

Since I am working in a B2B messaging world, I can see how to define an 
enumeration in an XSD and how to access those in the Guvnor to create a 
dropdown menu.
I can also see how to define a set of enumeration values in the Guvnor 
which uses a hardcoded set of values to define the legal values for 
populating a dropdown menu.
I can even see how to have the dropdown menu populated from a Java 
class. The class appears to have to be on the classpath of the 
application... It is not good enough to make it be part of the jar that 
contains the fact model. This means that the set of legal values is part 
of the "technical" domain rather than the "business" domain. I guess I 
can always have the class load the values from a database, properties 
file or some such but that means a separate place to store the values.

However, I feel that I would like to have the set of valid values be 
part of what is accessible and configurable through the Guvnor.

Is there somewhere I can store the set as an artefact in Guvnor and be 
accessible at runtime for me to do the check with?
Or should I just code the values into a set in a function?

Chris Selwyn

rules-users mailing list

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