Omitting the Entry  Points:

rule "B-0-1-not OK"
    $b : EventB( $index: index )
    not ( PatternConsumer( id == "B01", events contains $b ) )
    not ( EventB( index == (1 - $index), this after[0s,2m] $b ) )
    System.out.println( "B:" + $index + ", but no B:" + (1-$index) );

rule "B-0-1"
    $b1 : EventB( $index: index )
    $b2 : EventB( index == (1 - $index), this after[0s,2m] $b1 )
    insert( new PatternConsumer( "B01", $b1, $b2 ) );
    System.out.println( "B:" + $index + "+B:" + (1-$index) );


2010/10/27 赵侃侃 <>:
> Hello,
> With the help from the community I managed to get my first rule working, and
> I'm trying to write my second rule on my own but it just doesn't seem to
> work correctly.
> Here is the scenario, what I want is to identify a pattern that there's no
> EventB coming in within 2 minutes with a particular index value.
> For example, EventB would have a property named index and assume the value
> of index would be either 0 or 1.
> Before firing the rules, I would manually insert facts of possibleIndex with
> value 0 and 1 into the workingMemory.
> Within 2 minutes, if there only comes one EventB with index valued 0 then
> the system should report no EventB coming in with index value 1 in last 2
> minutes.
> Vice versa, in the case of only coming one EventB with index valued 1 then
> the system should report no EventB coming in with index value 0 in last 2
> minutes.
> If within 2 minutes, there comes 2 EventB with both value 0 and 1 then
> nothing should report.
> Here is what I wrote, but it doesn't seem to work correctly.
> I used a timer to fire this rule every 10 seconds because I don't think the
> rule would run automatically if I don't add that. (not too sure though)
> rule "no B in 2 minutes"
> timer (0 10s)
> when
> possibleIndex( $index : index ) from entry-point "Event stream"
> $p : PatternConsumer ( name == 'no B' && index == $index )
> not ( EventB( index == $index && this after[0ms,2m] $p) over window:time(2m)
> from entry-point "Event stream" )
> then
> PatternConsumer pc = new PatternConsumer( "no B", $index );
> insert(pc);
> System.out.println("no B in 2 minutes " + $index);
> end
> Best Regards,
> Kevin Zhao
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