
I've been trying out the Spring integration package in Drools 5.1.1 and it
works really well, but I have run into one issue I can't figure out.

I've defined 2 knowledge sessions from the same knowledge base in the app
context - one stateless, one stateful but otherwise identical. They both
refer to a collaborator defined as a bean in the app context which is to be
used as a global in my rules. This is just an excerpt of my full Spring
context, the kbase definition itself is not an issue.

<bean id="applicantDao" class="com.acme.app.dao.impl.ApplicantDaoImpl" />

<drools:ksession id="statelessKSession" type="stateless"
name="statelessKSession" kbase="kbase">
          <drools:set-global identifier="applicantDao" ref="applicantDao" />

   <drools:ksession id="statefulKSession" type="stateful"
name="statefulKSession" kbase="kbase">
          <drools:set-global identifier="applicantDao" ref="applicantDao" />

The issue is that this configuration works for the stateful but not the
stateless session, in the sense that the stateful session appears to have a
valid reference to the applicantDao object in the Globals object but the
stateless session doesn't.

public void testStatelessGlobal() {
        Globals globals = statelessKSession.getGlobals();
        Object global = globals.get("applicantDao");

public void testStatefulGlobal() {
        Globals globals = statefulKSession.getGlobals();
        Object global = globals.get("applicantDao");

The first test fails (the global variable is null) but the second passes. No
errors are thrown by Drools during the setup of the Spring container.

What am I doing wrong? Should I be able to define globals in this way for
stateless sessions? The XSD seems to indicate this is a valid configuration,
but it just doesn't work.

Is anyone else working with the Spring integration that can point out my
error here?

Many thanks,

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