Usually creation times are in seconds (starting at some Epoch) and therefore
all you have to do
is ascertain that two integers don't differ by more than 30:

$first: File( pathname matches ..., $ct: creationTime )
$later: File( creationTime < ($ct + 30) )


On 14 December 2010 09:37, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to create a rule for the following scenario:
> 1. Event 1 : A file was created under the directory "/root/ " (Comment:
> I have implemented this using 'matches' in the rule file)
> 2. Event 2: If File was created under "/root/" then get all the files
> created within a 30 seconds of Event1. (Comment: Confused! Don't know
> how to do this!)
> The dataset I have is of all the files created on the system + time of
> creation.
> Thanks in advance!
> Rgds,
> Kiran
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