just to be clear, the "fixed" was only referring to my nick on gmail ... ;-)

On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 6:24 AM, radai <radai.rosenbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> well, fixed now :-)
> the benchmark (part of a junit) looks like this:
> protected void init() {
>         KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration bConf =
> KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration();
>         KnowledgeBuilder builder =
> KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(bConf);
>         builder.add(...);
>         KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kbConf =
> KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration();
>         kbConf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM );
>         //todo - turn this on when
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-2845 is fixed
>         //kbConf.setOption( MultithreadEvaluationOption.YES );
>         kb = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(kbConf);
>         kb.addKnowledgePackages(builder.getKnowledgePackages());
>         KnowledgeSessionConfiguration sConf =
> KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
>         sConf.setOption(ClockTypeOption.get("pseudo"));
>         Environment env = EnvironmentFactory.newEnvironment();
>         s = kb.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(sConf ,env);
>         clock = (SessionPseudoClock) s.getSessionClock();
>         backupStream = s.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint("Backup Stream");
> }
> followed by a test method that looks like this:
> public void testLargeBatches() {
>         Node node1 = new Node("node 1");
>         node1.setId(1L);
>         s.insert(node1);
>         s.fireAllRules();
>         clock.advanceTime(1L, TimeUnit.DAYS);
>         s.fireAllRules();
>         int batchSize = 40000;
>         int daysToRun = 1;
>         ArrayList<Backup> batch = new ArrayList<Backup>(batchSize);
>         ArrayList<Long> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
>         nodeIds.add(1L);
>         DateTime engineTime;
>         long start;
>         long accumulated = 0;
>         System.err.println("days: "+daysToRun+". batch: "+batchSize+".
> rules: "+ruleFile);
>         for (int i=0; i<daysToRun; i++) {
>             engineTime = new DateTime(clock.getCurrentTime(),
> DateTimeZone.UTC);
>             batch.clear();
>             //generate random
>             BackupGenerationUtil.fillBackupBatch(batch, nodeIds,
> engineTime.minusHours(23).minusMinutes(59).minusSeconds(59),
> engineTime.minusSeconds(1), batchSize);
>             start = System.currentTimeMillis();
>             //feed the batch in
>             for (Backup b : batch) {
>                 backupStream.insert(b);
>             }
>             //advance a day and run all rules
>             s.fireAllRules();
>             clock.advanceTime(1L, TimeUnit.DAYS);
>             s.fireAllRules();
>             accumulated += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
>         }
>         long averageBatchProcessingTime =
> (long)(accumulated/(double)daysToRun);
>         double perBackupEventTime =
> ((double)accumulated)/(batchSize*daysToRun);
>         int eventsPerSecond = (int)(1000D/perBackupEventTime);
>         System.err.println("average batch processing time is
> "+averageBatchProcessingTime+" which is "+perBackupEventTime+"/event or
> "+eventsPerSecond+" events/second");
> }
> running this with or without the 2nd "trimming" rules makes a huge
> difference. on my machine i can run the non-trimming version in batches of
> 300K @~2500 events/second @1GB RAM. with the trimming rule i cant get
> anywhere near that - the above value (40K) is already enough to slow it down
> to ~1800 events/second, and i dont understand whats so "heavy" about my
> attempt to save memory.
> any help/thoughts/clues would be most welcome.
> 2010/12/23 Mauricio Salatino <sala...@gmail.com>
> hehe yes.. the same happens to "me" :)
>> 2010/12/23 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.l...@gmail.com>
>> (OT: your nick "me" is confusing other gmail users. I see your mail as if
>>> I had sent it to myself. I was almost binning it.)
>>> The delay you see may depend on the way you run the test with 40K events.
>>> Please describe the sequence of insertions and calls to fire...(), the
>>> session setup (pseudo-clock, etc.)
>>> -W
>>> 2010/12/23 me <radai.rosenbl...@gmail.com>
>>>>  Hi.
>>>> im trying to demo drools-fusion for a system that processes backup
>>>> events.
>>>> i have the following 2 CEP rules:
>>>> rule "Backup Not Succeeded For At Least 3 Days"
>>>> @ruleId(1)
>>>> when
>>>>     Node($id : id)
>>>>     not ( Backup(clientId == $id, $state: state ==
>>>> BackupStateEnum.FINISHED) over window:time( 3d ) from entry-point "Backup
>>>> Stream" )
>>>> then
>>>>     //nothing for now
>>>> end
>>>> rule "Prune Previous Successful Backups"
>>>> @ruleId(2)
>>>> when
>>>>     $prevBackup  : Backup($id : clientId,  state ==
>>>> BackupStateEnum.FINISHED) from entry-point "Backup Stream"
>>>>     $newerBackup : Backup(clientId == $id, state ==
>>>> BackupStateEnum.FINISHED, this after $prevBackup) from entry-point "Backup
>>>> Stream"
>>>> then
>>>>     drools.retract($prevBackup);
>>>> end
>>>> rule #2 is my attempt to cut down on memory usage. the problem is that
>>>> rule #2 slows down the processing very very considerably (2 orders of
>>>> magnitude slower when simulating batches of 40K events/day).
>>>> what would be my next step in trying to find the reason for it? my
>>>> intuition tells me that with 2 events in the system at any given time
>>>> instead of 120K (single node, 40K events/day 3 day window) i should have
>>>> seen either a speedup or reduced memory consumption (if not both) and yet
>>>> the results im seeing are the exact opposite.
>>>> is there anything im missing ? i could try adding some sort of
>>>> LastSuccessfulBackup "marker" object into main memory and updating it using
>>>> events from the backup stream, but then how would i express rule #1 ?
>>>> any help/clues/suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
>>>>    radai.
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>>  - CTO @ http://www.plugtree.com
>>  - MyJourney @ http://salaboy.wordpress.com
>>  - Co-Founder @ http://www.jbug.com.ar
>>  - Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -
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