Hello All,

I have created the bug: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GUVNOR-1159 in the
Please let me know if any other info is required.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Harshit Bapna <hrba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes I will create Jira Issue and next time will wait for the response.
> Actually I thought since no one replied so it went unnoticed. :)
> 2011/1/17 Esteban Aliverti <esteban.alive...@gmail.com>
> I have confirmed this problem. The same thing happens for *exists (The
>> following exists)* and *() (Any of the following are true). *Could you
>> please create a jira issue for this?
>> p.s.: Please try to wait at least a week before re-post a question :)
>> Best Regards,
>> Esteban Aliverti
>> - Developer @ http://www.plugtree.com
>> - Blog @ http://ilesteban.wordpress.com
>> 2011/1/17 Harshit Bapna <hrba...@gmail.com>
>>>   Hello All,
>>> From the Expert documentation, I am trying to create the rule(below) in
>>> Guvnor
>>>  Guvnor Version : 5.1.1
>>> I am not able to achieve the combination of NOT & FROM in a business
>>> rule.
>>> *Is it possible to create the below drl rule into a brl rule in Guvnor?*
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> package org.drools;
>>> rule "Avoid NPE on wrong syntax"
>>>    when
>>>      *not*( Cheese( ( type == "stilton" && price == 10 ) || ( type ==
>>> "brie" && price == 15 ) ) *from* $cheeseList )
>>>    then
>>>      System.out.println("OK");
>>> end
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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