Thanks for the response, Vincent.  Do you happen to have a link to the URL for 
the JIRA?  I was looking for it, but haven't found it yet.

It would seem to me that this is basic functionality.  It sounds, from your 
response, that BRL is just not the focus.


> Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:17:02 +0100
> From: Vincent Legendre <>
> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Problems with Guided Rule Editor in Eclipse
> To: Rules Users List <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I have the same problem with BRL editor under eclipse. Also the action part 
> dialog box does not show DSL phrases ...
> The plugin is incomplete/buggy and shows errors but rules are correct (you 
> can compile and run them).
> This problem is the same since version 5.0. There is a JIRA for that since 
> then ...
> I don't know when a fix is planned, but my feeling is that nobody uses the 
> guided editor under eclipse (dsrl editor works well and provide completions 
> on facts and DSL sentences). But it is not easy when you have rules that 
> comes from Guvnor ...
> Le 15/03/2011 20:47, John Peterson a ?crit :
> > I am experimenting with the Guided Rule Editor in Eclipse, but I am 
> > unable to get a Guided Rule to parse.
> > I have created a Drools Project using the basic "Hello World" example 
> > for starters.  I've created a class called "Item" with 3 attributes -- 
> > itemPrice (float), ItemNumber (int), and itemDescription (String) with 
> > getters/setters.  I do a "New-Drools-Guided Rule" to create a .brl 
> > file called "GuidedRule.brl" and get the "drools.package" created 
> > automatically.  In drools.package, I add "package com.sample;" and 
> > "import com.sample.Item;" and save it.
> > Then I go over to GuidedRule.brl and create a simple rule in the 
> > guided editor (this is the DRL view of it):
> > rule "GuidedRule"
> > dialect "mvel"
> > when
> >   item : Item()
> > then
> >   item.setItemDescription("New Description"); end When I click "save" 
> > I get errors.
> > On the Generated drl  (read only), I get two problems ->
> > BuildError: Unable to build expression for 'consequence': Failed to
> > compile: 2 compilation error(s):
> > - (1,4) unqualified type in strict mode for: item
> > - (1,44) unable to resolve method using strict-mode: 
> > java.lang.Object.setItemDescription(java.lang.String) '           
> > item.setItemDescription( "New Description" );'
> > On the brl source view, I get an error at the <attributes> ->
> > BuildError: Unable to resolve ObjectType 'Item'
> > It seems to not be able to see my class, which is public, belonging to 
> > the same package, and included as an import in drools.package.  I can 
> > get the rule to work if I don't reference Item (simple "eval(true)" in 
> > the LHS, for example)....
> > I am running Drools 5.1.1 on Eclipse 3.5.
> > Am I overlooking something simple here?
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > rules-users mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Vincent LEGENDRE
> /Consultant S?nior/

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