Not that I can see any problem. Disregard the Eclipse error, expand the
template as documented, and then we'll see what we'll see...

On 14 April 2011 15:36, FrankVhh <> wrote:

> Hi W.,
> Thanks for the fast reply.
> Meanwhile, I have been trying to play with the templates. Unfortunately, I
> run into a nullpointerexception in the problems view of Eclipse. At first,
> I
> hoped it was the same error as in
> but
> that does not seem to be the case.
> Underneath, you can find my drl file. This is the only artifact that I am
> having right now. There is no Java code yet, apart from the Price object.
> This shouldn't be necessary to fix the problem either.
> I tried to comment out some pieces of code to narrow down on the problem.
> The nullpointerexception persists even if you comment everything from
> "package" to the bottom of the file. This should indicate the problem has
> to
> be in the template header, but I do not have a clue.
> Could anyone help with this?
> Thanks in advance.
> ======================================================================
> template header
> minimumValue
> maximumValue
> precision
> startlevel
> endlevel
> roundingvalue
> package rounding
> import rounding.Price;
> template "Determine evaluated decimals"
> rule "Determine evaluated decimals @{row.rowNumber}"
>        salience 25
>        lock-on-active true
>        when
>                $price: Price(integerpart >= @{minimumValue} && integerpart
> <
> @{maximumValue} && evaluateddecimals == 9999999)
>        then
>                $price.setRoundedPrecision(@{precision});
>                $price.calculateNumberOfRoundedDecimals();
>                $price.calculateEvaluatedDecimals();
>                $price.calculateBasenumber();
>                update($price);
> end
> end template
> template "Determine rounding value"
> rule "Determine rounding value @{row.rowNumber}"
>        salience 0
>        no-loop true
>        when
>                $price: Price(integerpart >= @{minimumValue} && integerpart
> <
> @{maximumValue} && evaluateddecimals >= @{startlevel} && evaluateddecimals
> <
> @{endlevel})
>        then
>                $price.setRoundedPrice($price.getBasenumber() +
> @{roundingvalue});
>                System.out.println($price.getPrice() + " => " + (double)
> $price.getRoundedPrice() / Math.pow(10,$price.getNumberofroundeddecimals())
> );
> end
> end template
> --
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