Hello everybody:

I'm trying to write rules in which fact int attributes and fact String
attributes should be compared in condition elements. When I compare them,
let's say from int to String,

     Fact1($intAttr : attrInt1)
     Fact2(attrString == $intAttr)

the rule seems to behave OK, whereas when I compare them from String to int,

     Fact1($stringAttr : attrString1)
     Fact2(attrInt == $stringAttr)

I get a RuntimeDroolsException( "Conversion to long not supported from

I've taken a look at the code which throws the exception,
BaseObjectClassField.getLongValue() and found that it only accepts Number
and Date objects to be converted to long.

        if ( value instanceof Number ) {
            return ((Number) value).longValue();
        } else if ( value instanceof Date ) {
            return ((Date) value).getTime();

Is it possible to add String to long conversion via Long.parseLong(str) or
is there any reason not to allow this conversion?.

Thank you again for your time.

Best regards,

Manuel Ortiz.
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