Thanks W - I can work with this

[] On Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun
Sent: 21 June 2011 18:40
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Rule Templates - comma separated data

The operators "in" and "not in" operate on parenthesized lists of operands. 
They can be used with a single template parameter expanding as a list.

   Person( likes in ( "apple", "banana", "chili" ) )

is the same as

  Person( likes == "apple" || == "banana" || == "chili" )


On 21 June 2011 18:34, Witham, Darren 
<<>> wrote:
I have successfully generated a .drl file from a decision table. The column 
headers in this table made use of the forall(||) construct which happily parsed 
the corresponding comma separated data in the relevant spreadsheet cell to nice 
|| separated conditions.

We have since decided to use the template approach so we can store rule data in 
a db. We ideally want to store this data as key/value pairs in a db table where 
the values may contain comma separated data. The intention being these values 
would be processed as per the decision table.

How is this achieved using a template ? I note that a column can be denoted as 
an array column by adding [] i.e.

template header

However, although this appears create an ArrayColumn parser, and splits the 
comma separated data when running through a debugger, any attempt to access it 
in the template falls over in mvel code trying to call HashMap.column

Any examples on how to set this up ?


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