The times attempt to be ISO8601 compliant, for Hours and earlier. Although I noticed that tidbit of information is missing for the docs, we'll get it added. See TimeUtils

private static final Pattern SIMPLE = Pattern.compile( "([+-])?((\\d+)[Dd])?\\s*((\\d+)[Hh])?\\s*((\\d+)[Mm])?\\s*((\\d+)[Ss])?\\s*((\\d+)([Mm][Ss])?)?" );

    public static long parseTimeString( String time ) {
        String trimmed = time.trim();
        long result = 0;
        if( trimmed.length() > 0 ) {
            Matcher mat = SIMPLE.matcher( trimmed );
            if ( mat.matches() ) {
int days = ( SIM_DAY ) != null) ? Integer.parseInt( SIM_DAY ) ) : 0; int hours = ( SIM_HOU ) != null) ? Integer.parseInt( SIM_HOU ) ) : 0; int min = ( SIM_MIN ) != null) ? Integer.parseInt( SIM_MIN ) ) : 0; int sec = ( SIM_SEC ) != null) ? Integer.parseInt( SIM_SEC ) ) : 0; int ms = ( SIM_MS ) != null) ? Integer.parseInt( SIM_MS ) ) : 0; long r = days * DAY_MS + hours * HOU_MS + min * MIN_MS + sec * SEC_MS + ms; if( != null && SIM_SGN ).equals( "-" ) ) {
                    r = -r;
                result = r;
            } else if( "*".equals( trimmed ) || "+*".equals( trimmed ) ) {
                // positive infinity
                result = Long.MAX_VALUE;
            } else if( "-*".equals( trimmed ) ) {
                // negative infinity
                result = Long.MIN_VALUE;
            } else {
throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Error parsing time string: [ " + time + " ]" );
        return result;

On 01/07/2011 06:21, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
2011/6/30 < <>>

    What are the available symbolics for temporal values?
    That is, d is for days, m is for minutes, h is for hours, s is for
    Are there any other symbolics specifically for months and years?

You can use ms for millisecond. There are no universally acceptable duration values for monts and years .

    I haven't found any mentioning of them in the Fusion manual.
    I'm using 5.0.1

    Thank you,

    Wolfgang Laun wrote:
    > See the "Fusion" manual, section on Temporal Reasoning/Temporal
    > Even when the facts aren't events, these operators can still be
    applied to
    > fields of type Date, e.g.
    >     $p1: Person( $dob1: dob )
    >     $p2: Person( $dob2: dob after[3d] $dob1 )
    > -W
    > On 28 June 2011 18:02, <
    <>> wrote:
    >> Hi list,
    >> I feel this should be an elementary question but unfortunately
    I haven't
    >> been able to find a solution.
    >> I would like to perform date arithmetic in the when part of a rule.
    >> For example, I would like to express something like:
    >> rule "Date compare rule"
    >>  dialect "mvel"
    >> when
    >>  a : A()
    >>  b : B( a.creationDate <= b.creationDate after 3 months)
    >> then
    >>  ...
    >> end
    >> Apart from using eval()'s is there any other way to express
    these types
    >> of
    >> comparisons?
    >> Thank you for your time,
    >> -Stathis
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