That's my code:

/************************************** Payment Complete
> **************************************/
> rule "Pay complete"
>     salience 10
>     no-loop true
> when
>     event : PaywayEvent(id == PaywayEventType.OPERATION_IN)
>     paymentData : PaymentData(credit >= saleImport)
>     transaction : CurrentTransaction (state ==
> TransactionState.CHARGE_PRODUCT)
>     eval (!paywayManager.isStopped())
> then
>     retract(event);
>     updateDebt(languageManager, hmiManager,paymentData.getDebt());
>     log.info("Machine.drl","Charge complete. Stopping devices!. Debt is
> "+paymentData.getDebt());
>     for(Enumeration<String> e = paywayManager.getPaywayNames();
> e.hasMoreElements(); ){
>         String payway = e.nextElement();
>         if(paywayManager.getPayway(payway).isLoaded()
>             && !paywayManager.getPayway(payway).getPaywayApi().isStopped())
> {
>             PaywayEvent paywayEvent = new
> PaywayEvent(PaywayEventType.STOP_PAYMENT_DEVICES);
>             paywayEvent.setDevice(payway);
>             insert(paywayEvent);
>         }
>     }
> end
> This is the stop rule of the device
> /******************************************STOP PAYMENT DEVICES
> ****************************/
> rule "Stop EmTicket Device"
>     salience 10
>     no-loop true
> when
>     event : PaywayEvent(id == PaywayEventType.STOP_PAYMENT_DEVICES &&
> device == "discountticket")
>     transaction : CurrentTransaction (state ==
> TransactionState.CHARGE_PRODUCT)
>     eval (!emTicket.isStopped())
> then
>     retract(event);
>     if (emTicket.stop()){
>         electromechanical.disableTakeTicket();
>         electromechanical.blinkingLedOff();
>         emTicket.setState(EmTicketState.OUT_OF_SERVICE);
>     }
>     else{
>         log.info("EmTicket","EmTicket cannot be stoped!");
>     }
>     insert (new PaywayEvent(PaywayEventType.OPERATION_IN));
> end

So, there are bidirectional calls between STOP_PAYMENT_DEVICES and
OPERATION_IN (because emTicket can't be stopped, so an event should be fired

While this 2 rules are firing the other, the hardware sends an
DISCOUNT_TICKET_ACCEPTED, that updates the debt, and the state of EmTicket,
so the in next STOP_PAYMENT_DEVICES emTicket will be stopped.

rule "Discount Ticket discarded when accepted"
>     salience 1000
>     no-loop true
> when
>     event : ElectromechanicalEvent (eventType ==
> ElectromechanicalEventType.CONSUM_EVENT
>     && description == "articleDiscarded")
>     transaction : CurrentTransaction(state ==
> TransactionState.CHARGE_PRODUCT)
>     eval (emTicket.getState() == EmTicketState.ARTICLE_TAKEN)
>     paymentData : PaymentData()
> then
>   lot of code here..
> end

The problem I'm facing is that  rule "Discount Ticket discarded when
accepted" is never fired (and has a lot more of salience than the other
two)! The other two rules are in a constant bucle. The event of the
discarded is sent via enginer.insertEvent() && fireAllRules. Maybe insert
command in drl files has more priority than facts invoked from java classes?
 Thanks in advance!

2011/7/7 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.l...@gmail.com>

> Sorry, but I become more confused with every re-read. I think the original
> code is required.
> I think that this is nothing but a FSM. Generally, this sort of problem
> should be doable without resorting to salience (except for one or two low
> priority ones acting as the "safety net").
> -W
> On 7 July 2011 16:35, jmolly <jmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I'm facing some problems in drools with salience. (maybe I don't
>> understand
>> how it works)
>> We have a rule that check if an import has been satisfied by the client.
>> But
>> we have a lot of pay methods so, when the import has been satisfied, we
>> have
>> to stop all the payment devices. If a payment device is in use, we can't
>> stop it, so we send stop commands until device can stop.
>> The problem is that if a device is making a pay process, and consumes an
>> event, that event is never fired.
>> Maybe I can explain better with code:
>> rule "Pay device stop"
>> Salience 10
>> Try to stop the device and sends an OPERATION_IN event if can't stop
>> (because there is a ticket inside)
>> Machine rule
>> rule "Operation in received witch devices not stopped"
>> salience 10
>>   Sent stop events to all devices
>> Machine rule
>> rule "Operation in received with devices stopped"
>> salience 10
>>    All ok. Finish operation
>> rule "Ticket data read"
>> salience 1000
>>  updates the debt for the user and sends an OPERATION_IN
>> The pay hardware, when is reading a ticket, sent a TICKET_DATA_READ
>> this rule has salience 100 and should be fired inmediatly but Drools is
>> entering all time in a bucle from Operation in received and Pay stop
>> device.
>> Can someone give a clue about what are we doing wrong?
>> Sorry for the english. I can post the original code if needed.
>> Thanks in advance
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Problem-with-salience-tp3148382p3148382.html
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