Thank you, I had to remove completely the "test" directories from the project 
because once in the project I couldn't unselect them anymore from the launch 
configuration. Now the errors are gone, cool :) I just hope I won't need "test" 
With the abysmal startup speed I guess I have to learn to live - I had 
FastCompiledGuvnor also before. It's almost as slow as JBoss 6...

Thanks a lot for the hints,

>From: Michael Anstis <>
>To: Rules Users List <>
>Sent: Mon, July 11, 2011 9:42:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [rules-users] Starting Guvnor in Eclipse
>If I am not mistaken you have created a launch configuration in Eclipse for 
>Guvnor (nothing wrong there, I do the same).
>What you need to do is manually delete all references to "test" resources in 
>launch configuration classpath.
>The apparant "lock-up" is GWT compliling JScript from the Java code. It can be 
>made quicker by:-
>* Ensuring no test resources are on the lanch configuration (which will also 
>remove the errors)
>* Using the "FastCompiledGuvnor" module (which only compiles for en_US and 
>Firefox - gecko1_8).
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