It seems like ever since I found this, I can't stop tripping this condition.

Basically, while adding the DRL files to the KnowledgeBuilder,
ReteooRuleBase decides it has to reconcile event definitions from different
"packages", so it looks for any that are assignable. At first I thought this
was just a guard against having a parent expire quicker than a child class
and breaking rules for the child. But now I'm getting this condition for A

At the root of the problem is ReteooRuleBase line 477:
node.setExpirationOffset( Math.max( node.getExpirationOffset(),
typeDeclaration.getExpirationOffset()+1 ) );

Since neither node nor typeDeclaration have declared expirations, they both
have expirationOffset values of -1. The code evaluates:

max(-1, -1 + 1)

sets the expirationOffset for node to zero, and from then on my objects are
expired literally as I insert them.

If someone could more clearly state the conditions that trip this code, I'd
do my best to avoid them. I've already eliminated inheritance among my
events, but that doesn't seem to be enough. 

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