Thanks Laun. Let me provide more details here.

Repository record schema:
#       ,Portfolio_ID, Asset_ID, Due_Date, Received_Amt
1       ,1              ,  001,         111209, 10000
2       ,1              , 001,          111209, 5000
3,      1               , 001,          111209, 3000
4,      2               , 001,          111216, 8000
5,      2               , 001,          111216, 6000
6,      2               , 001,          111216, 6000

Accounting record schema:
#,      Portfolio_ID, Asset_ID, Due_date, Received_Amt
1,      1,              001,            111209,         3000
2,      1,              001,            111209, 3000
3,      1,              001,            111209,         3000
4,      1,              001,            111209, 3000
5,      1,              001,            111209,         3000
6,      1,              001,            111209, 3000
7,      1,              001,            111209,         5000
8,      1,              001,            111209, 6000
9,      2,              001,            111216, 5000
10,     2,              001,            111216, 5000
11,     2,              001,            111216, 5000
12,     2,              001,            111216, 5000
13,     2,              001,            111216, 3000

The expectation is to find matches on subtotal of received_amt, for the same
Portfolio/Asset/Due Date. In above example, Repository's 1,2,3 match against
accounting's 1,2,3,4,5,6 and leave 7 alone. Reporsitory's 4, 5,6 match
against accounting's 9, 10, 11, 12 and leave 13 alone.

Appreciate your help!

[] 代表 Wolfgang Laun
发送时间: 2011年12月13日 23:28
收件人: Rules Users List
主题: Re: [rules-users] Many to many matching using Drools rules


2011/12/13 Zhuo Li <>:
> Folks,
> I am recently working on a BI project which is doing reconciliation
> repository and accounting. I'm using Drools 5.1.1 to maintain all these
> matching rules. One scenario I have no clue to implement in Drools is that
> need to find x transactions from repository, to match y transactions from
> accounting, while existing repository transactions and accounting
> transactions are bigger than x and y. Does anybody have experience to do
> similar thing in Drools?
> Best Abe
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