I am trying to get multiple threads to insert events and run rules against the 
union of events inserted ( an as soon as they are inserted, a timer drools 
thread kicking of fireallrules() is not an option because that would introduce 
a delay ) and wanted some opinion on the following:

1. Stateless session is basically a wrapper around statefulsession and since 
per doc  statefulsession is not threadsafe is it  safe to assume 2 threads 
cannot insert and run fireallrules to compare against a union of objects 
inserted by multiple threads without some synchronication on event insertion 
and ESP fireallrulesrules ? ( would the answer still hold despite a 
drools-camel endpoint reading and storing exchanges from multiple threads ? )

2. If in the above point we simplify the case where the rule uses the "from" 
keyword and reads from a cache or a Db ( is reading from
A cache supported out of the box ? ) then will drools bhaviour will be bound by 
the thread which invokes fireallrules() ? 
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