Sorry - I didn't have the time earlier to fully parse the more complex
rule. The problem you're having is that the engine reevaluates the
conditions on each working memory change, and since, as you noticed, the
list has changed, the rule fires again. The no-loop attribute prevents a
rule from reactivating itself "with the current set of facts". You do not
have the same set of facts, and so no-loop is not applicable in your case.

It looks to me like you want to insert the results of the
operation as a fact or list of facts, and then include a pattern in your
condition that prevents the rule from firing if these results exist in
working memory. You would then have another rule or set of rules that
process the results, retracting them as they go. Once all the results from
one firing of the accumulate rule have been processed and retracted, then
the accumulate rule would be free to fire again on the next set of data.

(An aside: since returns a Map, you'll probably want to create
your own implementation since a rule with a pattern on Map() would evaluate
true for any map that happens to be in working memory. However, a rule
that's looking for DfsSearchResults would only match in your particular
case. Another (perhaps better) option is to use traits to have your Map
"don" a trait that your other rules can then reason on. Traits are still an
experiment feature but I've played with them and they are very cool.)

Before I ramble too much further, here is a very pseudocoded version of
what I'm talking about. I'm going to assume that returns
something called DfsSearchResults; whether that type is an implementation
of Map or a trait is semi-irrelevant.

We're also going to assume a new type called DfsSearchResult:

declare DfsSearchResult
  assignment : PlanifEventAssignment
  employee : EmployeeValue

So your accumulate rule would be:

rule "close-shift"
  not DfsSearchResult( ) // Keeps this rule from activating again until all
results of the previous firing are processed
  $shift : Shift( )
  $assignments : ... // this condition stays the same
  $availables : ... // this condition stays the same too
  $results : DfsSearchResults( size > 0 ) from $assignments,
$availables )
  for ( DfsSearchResult dsr : $results ) { // the magic of pseudocode is it
doesn't compile and we don't care!
   PlanifEventAssignment assignment = ...
   EmployeeValue employee = ...
   insert( new DfsSearchResult( assignment, employee ) );

And now you'll have a processing rule:

rule "update-assignment"
  $dsr : DfsSearchResult( $a : assignment, $e : employee )
  modify($a) { setClose(true); setEmployee($e); }

I think that will get you as least in the right direction. I hope this


P.S. Now that I think about it, I'd like to amend the guideline I wrote in
my last email: "No looping in the consequence unless it is to decompose a
collection of data into simple facts that are much easier to reason over...
or if I have another really good reason."

2012/3/13 Patrik Dufresne <>

> Hi Mike,
> I see your point, it's very valid for the snippet rule, but can't be apply
> to the real one since I need to run a function using eval().
> Patrik Dufresne
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 4:45 PM, Mike Melton <>wrote:
>> Let the rule engine do what it does best. You are fighting against the
>> optimizations of the engine by trying to control the flow. You can rewrite
>> your rule as
>> rule "my-rule"
>>  when
>>   $entity : Entity( closed == false )
>>  then
>>   modify($entity) { setClosed(true); }
>> end
>> The rule will fire (once) for each Entity which matches the condition. I
>> haven't taken the time to apply the same exercise to your more complex
>> rule, but a general rule you should abide by is "No looping in the
>> consequence unless I have a really good reason."
>> Mike
>> 2012/3/13 Patrik Dufresne <>
>>>  Hi,
>>> I have some trouble to figure out how to stop / start the propagation of
>>> updates within a Then block.
>>> Here is a snippet to represent the problem I have.
>>> rule "my-rule"
>>>     when
>>>         $objects : List()
>>>                 from accumulate( $entity : Entity(closed==false),
>>> collectList($entity) )
>>>     then
>>>         for(Object obj : $objects) {
>>>             ((Entity) obj).setClosed(true);
>>>             update(obj);
>>>         }
>>> end
>>> When this rule's consequence is called first, the first enity in the
>>> list is 'update', but then update if propagated to immediately causing the
>>> rule to be evaluated with all the entities minus the updated one. So I'm
>>> wondering if there is a transaction like operation allowing me to update
>>> all the entities in the list and then fire the rules.
>>> According to the documentation no-loop should have help me for this.
>>> Here is the original rules
>>> rule "close-shift"
>>> salience -1
>>>  when
>>> $shift : Shift( )
>>> $assignments : List( size > 0 )
>>>  from accumulate (
>>> $assignment : PlanifEventAssignment(
>>> close == false,
>>>  shift == $shift ),
>>> collectList($assignment) )
>>> $availables : List( size >= $assignments.size )
>>>  from accumulate ( ( and
>>> ShiftAssignment(
>>> shift == $shift,
>>>  $employee : employee)
>>> $available : EmployeeAvailable (
>>> employee == $employee,
>>>  assignment.shift == $shift) ),
>>> collectList($available) )
>>> eval($assignments, $availables) != null )
>>>  then
>>> // Recalculate the result.
>>> Map table =$assignments, $availables);
>>>  for(Object entry : table.entrySet()) {
>>> PlanifEventAssignment assignment =
>>> (PlanifEventAssignment)((Entry)entry).getKey();
>>>  EmployeeValue employee = (EmployeeValue)((Entry)entry).getValue();
>>> assignment.setClose(true);
>>>  assignment.setEmployee(employee);
>>> update(assignment);
>>> }
>>> end
>>> Patrik Dufresne
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