
   - Create "New Rule"

   - Add a condition (green + near "WHEN")

   - Select "From Entry Point"

   - Type "lowLevelSensorStream" into TextBox

   - Click on "click to add patterns..."

   - Select your Fact Type (see * below)

   - In "Over sliding window" ListBox select "Length"

   - Type "1" into the TextBox next to "Length".

* OK, so this is possibly where you're having problems.

In order for a Fact Type to be used with CEP it needs to be annotated as an
Event. This is how this can be accomplished:-

*If you have a Declarative Model

   - Open the Declarative Model

   - Select the Fact Type that should be an Event

   - Add an Annotation, name="role", key="value", value="event"

   - Save

*If you have a POJO Model*

   - Create a new Declarative Model

   - Add a Fact Type that matches the name of that in your JAR

   - Add an Annotation, name="role", key="value", value="event"

   - Save

Annotating your POJO is covered in the Drools Expert User Guide. You are
just using Guvnor to achieve what is required.

With kind regards,


On 26 April 2012 15:22, Matteo Cusmai <> wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> thanks for suggestion, but i have already read documentation.
> First of all, i cannot define "over window:length(1) from entry-point
> lowLevelSensorStream".
> Do you help me to do this?
> Best Regards,
> Matteo.
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Michael Anstis <
> > wrote:
>> Yes this is possible with Guvnor 5.2 onwards.
>> The user-guide explains how to use the Guided Rule Editor (but not
>> specifically CEP features).
>> Read that and give it a try - it's reasonably intuitive (not an excuse
>> for poor documentation though) and come back here with questions.
>> With kind regards,
>> Mike
>> On 26 April 2012 09:08, Matteo Cusmai <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> i am novice on GUVNOR, but i would like to define my fusion rules by
>>> graphical tool.
>>> An example of my rules is:
>>> rule "radiation-event"
>>>     salience 10
>>>     no-loop
>>>     when
>>>         $obs    : RadiationObservation( $obsLocation : location, value >
>>> 10 ) over window:length(1) from entry-point lowLevelSensorStream
>>>         not RadiationEvent( this meets[ 25s ] $obs, location
>>> geoIsWithinDistance[ 5m ] $obsLocation )
>>>     then
>>>         insert(new RadiationEvent( $obs, "Radiation over 10",
>>> Event.THREAT_HIGH, $obsLocation, $obs.getSensor() ));
>>> end
>>> rule "radiation-update"
>>>     salience 5
>>>     no-loop
>>>     when
>>>         $obs    : RadiationObservation( $obsLocation : location, value >
>>> 10 ) over window:length(1) from entry-point lowLevelSensorStream
>>>         $event     : RadiationEvent( this meets[ 25s ] $obs, location
>>> geoIsWithinDistance[ 5m ] $obsLocation )
>>>     then
>>>         Event e = Event.clone($event);
>>>         e.addObservation($obs);
>>>         insert( e );
>>>         retract($event);
>>>         retract($obs);
>>> end
>>> Is it possibile to define rules such the above using GUVNOR?
>>> Are there some documentation or tutorial?
>>> Thanks a lot in advance,
>>> Matteo Cusmai.
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