If you'll pardon the heresy...

It sounds to me like the whole thing can be solved with an appropriately loaded 
hashtable without any need for a rules engine at all!


On 19/06/2012 11:54, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
> On 19/06/2012, zeeshan <zeeshan.spr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Laune,
>> Thanks very much for your response.  We would like to try and implement
>> Option 3.
>> We assume that the implementation involves setting up individual rows in
>> the
>> excel as a collection of objects and using the From keyword to look up the
>> output value/row we want based on the input parameter values.
> Huh? You leave the Excel data as it is except for throwing away the
> header lines.
>>  Is it
>> possible for you to share the relevant code you have created to implement
>> this option?
> This is the rule:
> rule calculatePremium
> when
> $pfc: PremiumCalculatorFactBean( $age: age,
>                           $policyTerm: policyTerm,
>                           $interestRate: interestRate,
>                           $gender: gender,
>                           $smokingStatus: smokingStatus,
>                           $channel: channel,
>                           premiumRate == 0.0 )
> $p: Premium( age == $age,
>         policyTerm == $policyTerm,
>         interestRate == $interestRate,
>         gender == $gender,
>         smokingStatus == $smokingStatus,
>         channel == $channel )
> then
>    modify( $pfc ){ setPremiumRate( $p.getPremiumRate() ) }
> end
> And a few lines of Java code:
>     private void makeRates( String csvPath ) throws Exception {
>         File f = new File( csvPath );
>         InputStream is = new FileInputStream( f );
>         Reader rdr = new InputStreamReader( is );
>       LineNumberReader lnrdr = new LineNumberReader( rdr );
>         String line;
>         while( (line = lnrdr.readLine()) != null ){
>             if( line.charAt(0) == '"' ) continue;
>             String[] tokens = line.split( ";" );
>             if( tokens.length != 7 ) continue;
>             int age = Integer.parseInt( tokens[0] );
>             int policyTerm  = Integer.parseInt( tokens[1] );
>             int interestRate = Integer.parseInt( tokens[2] );
>             String gender = tokens[3].substring( 1, 2 );
>             String smokingStatus = tokens[4].substring( 1, 2 );
>             int channel = Integer.parseInt( tokens[5] );
>             double premiumRate = Double.parseDouble( tokens[6] );
>             Premium p = new Premium( age, policyTerm, interestRate,
> gender, smokingStatus, channel, premiumRate );
>             kSession.insert( p );
>       }
>       close( rdr );
>     }
> -W
>> Thanks !
>> --
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