Why do you think that you should have a third fact when there are no
insert() calls except the two in your Java code?

On 16/07/2012, Ravikiran <ravikiran.kaka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using default Guvnor package "mortgages" decision table as example for
> my POC. Below is the rules from the decision table. No rule is being fired
> from my JAVA client out of 3 rules given below.
> //from row number: 1
> rule "Row 3 Pricing loans"
>       dialect "mvel"
>       when
>                    application : LoanApplication( amount > "131000" , amount 
> <=
> "200000" , lengthYears == "30" , deposit < "20000" )
>               income : IncomeSource( type == "Asset" )
>       then
>               application.setApproved( true );
>               application.setInsuranceCost( 0 );
>               application.setApprovedRate( 2 );
> end
> //from row number: 2
> rule "Row 1 Pricing loans"
>       dialect "mvel"
>       when
>               application : LoanApplication( amount > "10000" , amount <= 
> "100000" ,
> lengthYears == "20" , deposit < "2000" )
>               income : IncomeSource( type == "Job" )
>       then
>               application.setApproved( true );
>               application.setInsuranceCost( 0 );
>               application.setApprovedRate( 4 );
> end
> //from row number: 3
> rule "Row 2 Pricing loans"
>       dialect "mvel"
>       when
>               application : LoanApplication( amount > "100001" , amount <= 
> "130000" ,
> lengthYears == "20" , deposit < "3000" )
>               income : IncomeSource( type == "Job" )
>       then
>               application.setApproved( true );
>               application.setInsuranceCost( 10 );
>               application.setApprovedRate( 6 );
> end
> ==> My Java client follows
> KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = createKnowledgeBase(); //Successfully creates
> knowledgebase
> StatefulKnowledgeSession session =
> knowledgeBase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
>         FactType appType = knowledgeBase.getFactType( "mortgages",
> "LoanApplication" );
>         FactType incomeType = knowledgeBase.getFactType( "mortgages",
> "IncomeSource" );
>         Object application = appType.newInstance();
>         Object income = incomeType.newInstance();
>         appType.set(application, "amount", 100000);
>         appType.set(application, "deposit", 1500);
>         appType.set(application, "lengthYears", 20);
>         incomeType.set(income, "type", "Job");
>         incomeType.set(income, "amount", 65000);
>         session.insert(appType);
>         session.insert(incomeType);
>         assertTrue(session.getFactCount() == 2);
>         session.fireAllRules();
>         assertTrue(session.getFactCount() == 3);
> Question: I hope the way i pass the input satisfies "Row 2 Pricing loans"
> above. But My assertion is getting failed after calling
> fireAllRules()...because the factcount was still 2. Please help what could
> be the wrong in above scenario.
> thanks a lot.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Drools-Guvnor-Decison-Tables-Rule-is-not-being-fired-Please-help-tp4018701.html
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