On 24/07/2012, Vincent LEGENDRE <vincent.legen...@eurodecision.com> wrote:
>> @Vincent: I'm concerned about the first stack trace line, which is
>> where no executable code can be. Clear this up first...
> Me ? Really no idea why this line ...
> This line, in 5.3 code, is the class declaration. Indeed, node an executable
> piece of code ...

I've looked at the byte code, and there are a couple of methods
starting at line 48: insert( Object ) and getFactHandle( Object ).
Probably due to some optimisation resulting from the peculiar
parameter passing from one call to the only method call inside the
originally called method.

Still, very confusing,...

So, the NPE is not due to some confusion with the object code.

I have noticed that there are other threads running where differences
between executions from Guvnor and local deployments are reported.

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