Please read *carefully* - see !!!!!! below.

And make sure to check whether a DRL compilation results in an error.
Do not continue with errors.

On 30/07/2012, zeeshan <> wrote:
> Hi Laune !
> I am using 5.4 version. When I tried ur second solution, it gives
> *NullPointerException*.

>> This works with 5.4.0 - notice the "no-loop true". $sum has class
>> Number, this needs intValue() (or whatever) to match the parameter


>> type of the setter.
>> rule "accumulate Policy values into Agent"
>> no-loop true
>> when
>>     $a: Agent( $id: id )
>>     accumulate( Policy( agentId == $id, $v: value ); $sum: sum( $v ) )
>> then
>>     modify( $a ){ setValue( $sum.intValue() ) }


>>     System.out.println( $a.toString() );
>> end
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