On 17/08/2012, Rana <ven12...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks for reply to all.
> I would like to learn how to do that, but I don't want to implement now,
> since I do not have time for that. But please do let me know about it.
> Again, @Laune has helped me fix issues about I am getting null into
> response, but I am back to that. Please find the rule file attached. Also
> in
> rules the logs that I have, is not logging. Nothing is working, Logging,
> Modify.

Did you set the agenda-group "AndroGel"? If not, see some previous
mail in this thread.

> Also I want to know once the rules of a Rule file is fired and all is done
> in the rule file. Will it end the process or not.

The next statement after fireAllRules() (see below!) is executed.

> http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/file/n4019259/Rule.txt Rule.txt
> and this is how I am inserting facts
>               Logger logger1 = Logger.getRootLogger();  //log4j object
> //                    ProgramRuleValidationLog progRuleValidationLog = new
> ProgramRuleValidationLog();
>               ksession.setGlobal("log", logger1);
> //                    ksession.setGlobal("progRuleValidationLog", 
> progRuleValidationLog);
>               workingMemory = ksession;
>               workingMemory.insert(logger1);
> //                    workingMemory.insert(progRuleValidationLog);
>               workingMemory.insert(drug);
>               workingMemory.insert(address);
>               workingMemory.insert(program);
>                       ( (StatefulKnowledgeSession) 
> workingMemory).fireAllRules();
> logger =
> KnowledgeRuntimeLoggerFactory.newFileLogger((KnowledgeRuntimeEventManager)
> workingMemory, "DroolsLog"); //this is also not logging any thing except
> <object-stream>
> </object-stream>

Why should it? It's all over after fireAllRules()

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