I've seen Eclipse staying out of sync with actual DRL errors. Try
editing something harmless in move.drl, to force an update.


On 10/04/2013, Stefan Schuster <stefan.m.schus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to drools, and I made my first steps using the very nice
> video-tutorial "Build Pong in 13 minutes using JBoss Drools" found here:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omj4PR3v-nI
> Eclipse shows building errors, but Pong start anyway. What does this error
> mean?
> in move.drl there is following rule:
> *<rule "Move Bat Up" timer(expr: bat.speed, bat.speed) no-loop when*
> *    ui : PongUI(  ready == true )*
> *    ( KeyPressed( keyText == "A" ) and bat : Bat( playerId ==
> PlayerId.PlayerOne, y > pconf.padding + pconf.sideLineWidth )*
> *      or*
> *      KeyPressed( keyText == "K" ) and bat : Bat( playerId ==
> PlayerId.PlayerTwo, y > pconf.padding + pconf.sideLineWidth ) ) *
> *    td : TableDirty( )      *
> *then    *
> *    tableG = ui.getTablePanel().getTableG();*
> *    tableG.setColor( Color.BLACK ); // background*
> *    tableG.fillRect( bat.x, bat.y, bat.width, bat.height );*
> *     *
> *    modify( bat ) { y = bat.y - 2 };*
> *    tableG.setColor( Color.WHITE ); // background*
> *    tableG.fillRect( bat.x, bat.y, bat.width, bat.height );  *
> *    modify( td ) { dirty = true };*
> *end*
> the error message is:
> [Error: unable to resolve method using strict-mode:
> org.drools.spi.KnowledgeHelper.td<http://org.drools.spi.knowledgehelper.td/>
> ()]
> [Near : {... @Modify with( td ) { dirty = true }; ....}]
> in another File (ui.drl) TableDirty is defined:
> *declare TableDirty*
> * @propertyReactive*
> *    dirty : boolean*
> *end*
> Any ideas what this error message means? And why can I start pong despite
> this error?
> Thanks a lot for helping me
> Stefan
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