
I have a requirement to restrict login attempts to Guvnor to prevent 
BruteForceAttacks. For authentication I am using JAAS authentication with 

Is there any option in Guvnor/Seam/JAAS to configure such requirement ?

E.g., A user can try a maximum of 3 unsuccessful attempts for login. If user 
fails in all 3 login attempts then the user has to wait for 5 minutes.

My Environment :

1.       JBOSS EAP 6.1.0

2.       Drools-Guvnor 5.5.0-Final;

Thanks and Best Regards,
Zahid Ahmed
Senior Software Engineer | Emirates Group IT
P.O. Box 686 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
T +971 4 203 3912| M +971   55 124 9171

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