
I have successfully cloned an existing repository containing a maven
kmodule project. Unfortunately when I attempt to open any of the DRL files
in the workbench (6.0.1.Final) I get the following error:

Unable to complete your request. The following exception occurred:
from [Module "deployment.kie-drools-wb.war:main" from Service Module

This error does not happen if I load any of the files in the demo project.
The DRL files range from complex to very simple. They all use the mvel
dialect and import the following globals.

/** The Camel context used when handling input/output. */
global CamelContext camelContext;
/** The application configuration. */
global Config config;
/** A reference to the current knowledge base. */
global KieBase kBase;
/** A reference to the current session. */
global KieSession kSession;
/** The common logging utility. */
global org.slf4j.Logger logger;

Outside of this there is nothing special to them. Has anyone seen this?


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