I have personnaly 2 ways of getting "as far as possible" from refactor problems 
- mostly use flat objets, ie some objets that are as DB tables (only simple 
POJO with foreign keys, no child objects). This way it is easy to get and store 
used objects (with SQL or JPA frameworks, which has some annotations to map 
fields with DB columns where you can set your "business translations"). And for 
writing rules, it could be simpler too (do the join by testing attributes, ie 
the attributes you want in this particular context ...) 
- use automatic translation from your old code, if it is possible.... it 
depends on the corresponding code complexity, but then you can handle most of 
rules automatically (so changes in data model can be handled massively). 

But I share Wolfgang's point of view when he says that building rules totally 
independant of underlying objects is not realistic. 
You will have refactor painful work if you start too soon on a not enough 
stable data model. So the real way to avoid too much refactor ... is to spend 
time at building a stable data model ... (considering that point, rules 
projects are not that different from standard java projects) 

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