I pushed the new kind system today. Things to be aware of are:

- We now have proper copyability analysis, and resources can be used
in saner ways.

- The way arguments are passed to tag, object, and resource
constructors changed. See my other e-mail to the list.

- 'Last uses' of locals (arguments passed in a mode that makes them
owned by the function, and local let variables) are now treated
specially -- when stored or passed somewhere, they are moved instead
of copied. Most importantly, this makes most returning a local or
putting it in a data structure more efficient. This is taken into
account by the copyability analysis, so that you only get an error
when your program actually tries to use a noncopyable local after
storing it somewhere.

- The kinds are now called 'sendable', 'copyable', and 'noncopyable'.
The keywords to mark generic parameters are 'send' and 'copy'
(noncopyable is what you get when you don't specify a keyword).

- I got rid of the 'implicit shared [copyable] kind for generic
functions' thing again. This means you'll once again often forget to
add 'copy' and have to add it after the compiler complains. About 40%
of the generic functions in our standard library require copyable
arguments -- this is more than I expected. Still, over half can
operate on noncopyable types. Defaulting to copyable would have an
effect similar to the 'const' keyword in C++ -- people forget to think
about it when they write generic functions, so when you do need to
apply a generic to a noncopyable kind, you'll first have to fix the
generic and all generics it calls to have the right kind bound.

- Warning about copying of unique types is easy now (it's implemented
and commented out at
), but it generates an enormous amount of warnings because we're
copying vectors everywhere. I think we might as well leave this off
until we have non-unique vector types.

That's it. I'll write something up in the tutorial early next week. I
think the new system is easier to think about and to explain. And the
last-use analysis provided a nice speedup by saving us a bunch of

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