On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Niko Matsakis <n...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> In preparation for the 0.1 release, Brian and I were thinking it might be
> nice to try to address small, annoying problems that come up in everyday
> Rust programming.  Of course, a lot of these are already the result of
> compromises over contentious issues (e.g., trailing dot for nullary tag in a
> pattern), but I'd still like to know what the set of annoying things are;
> some of them may be easier to resolve now.  Can you please e-mail me your
> favorite pet peeve(s).  Thanks.

Here's a couple:

1) I keep forgetting to specify the return type of a function. Any
chance that could be inferred?

2) Could integer literals be implicitly casted to the appropriate type
if they're within bounds of the type? Things get especially noisy when
using libcore::mtypes, as in "1 as m_int".

3) I'd love type inference :)

4) For-loop over integers would be great.

5) I can't exit early out of map::items.

6) map::hashmap needs a couple other functions: map, fold, eq.

7) A fixed size c array type would let me model c structures in rust.

8) I haven't been bit by it yet, but I see fail being used when it'd
be better to use option::t, such as in int::str. I can imagine some
pain in the future if we have to swap the return type, so might as
well do a pass through the code to make sure fail is being used

9) I'm not sure whether or not I should be using [u8] or pretend strs
are byte strings when processing IO.
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