Hi!  I'm trying out rust for the first time, and successfully compiled and 
installed rustc.  I hit this error attempting to compile "hello world":

> ~ % cat hello.rs 
> use std;
> fn main(args: [str]) {
>     std::io::println("hello world from '" + args[0] + "'!");
> }
> ~ % rustc hello.rs
> hello.rs:1:0: 1:0 error: can't find crate for 'core'
> hello.rs:1 use std;
>            ^

Googling turned up a possible problem of not running "make all" before "make 
<https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2011-December/001158.html>, but 
make all does nothing for me, so everything looks built.  "make check" passes 

This happens to me with both the 0.1 tarball and a github clone from Feb 5 2012 
(91b6dc5c8ed8d839006de4ea6a7e8cd6727db93d).  Platform is Mac OS X 10.6.7.  Any 

Perhaps relatedly, cargo looks like it's complaining alot.  "cargo init" warns 
about "warning: signature verification failed for sources.json", but finally 
appears to do something if I run it from src/cargo/ (where sources.json is).  
"cargo sync" then passes, but any "cargo install" commands immediately fail 
with the same error; e.g.

> ~ % cargo install sqlite
> warning: Malformed source json: erickt (missing description)
> warning: Malformed source json: erickt (missing description)
> info: Installing with git from https://github.com/linuxfood/rustsqlite...
> Cloning into /Users/andre/.cargo/work/QubPvewYAX3iGg2h...
> remote: Counting objects: 64, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (28/28), done.
> remote: Total 64 (delta 36), reused 62 (delta 34)
> Unpacking objects: 100% (64/64), done.
> error: rustc failed: 101
> ./sqlite.rc:1:0: 1:0 error: can't find crate for 'core'
> ./sqlite.rc:1 #[link(

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