On 2/4/12 5:55 PM, Niko Matsakis wrote:
Anyway, I am happy to update my patch to make `_` be currying (as both you and graydon preferred).

I think I spoke too soon about being happy. =)

I've been thinking about the patch some more and I am not sure how I feel about `_` being currying. This is not because I'm opposed to a currying semantics as opposed to a closure semantics—though I'm not sure that it's really better—but because I don't yet see how to implement it well. I may go ahead and make the current `bind` parse without the keyword `bind`, since that seems universally popular, but that doesn't actually address the implementation problems I was trying to address (you can't bind methods, nor receivers, nor other expressions). The problem is that addressing those with currying semantics will be more invasive and I just don't want to spend the time on it right now.

I was thinking I might prefer to just have the iter library essentially take a "manual currying" approach, where `map()` is not defined like so:

fn map<A,IA:iterable<A>,B>(self: IA, map_fn: fn(A) -> B, consume_fn: fn(B)) {
self.iter {|a| consume_fn(map_fn(a)) }

but rather like so:

fn map<A,IA:iterable<A>,B>(self: IA, map_fn: fn(A) -> B) -> fn@(fn(B)) {
fn@(map_fn: fn(B)) {
self.iter {|a| consume_fn(map_fn(a)) }

I didn't want to do this before because it's less efficient in some cases, and a nice bind syntax would obviate the need. But it'd be easier to implement and, in the common case, prettier to use (no underscores at all):

something.do_filter {|t| ... }.do_map {|t| ... }.do {|t| ... }

In any case, I am wondering a bit about the design of the library. I'd like to keep the "deforested by default" approach, but perhaps change the API a bit to allow hints to be passed down about the eventual size of the data structure. It'd be nice if the vector could be pre-allocated to the right size, basically. Anyway, I hope to toy around with this a bit today in parallel with CCI work.

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