> In general it seems there are three classes of errors
>    - globally unrecoverable (just call `fail`)
>    - locally unrecoverable (return a `result<X,Y>` type)
>    - recoverable (pass in handler or error reporter)
> Globally unrecoverable means that the whole task cannot continue (this is
> clearly not appropriate for libraries).

Since fail can be constrained to a task , its fine to have it in a
library task or function designed to be used in a task...

> Locally recoverable means that some
> subset of the program must abort, but some outer handler could possibly
> catch it.  Recoverable means that it's the sort of error where the procedure
> could carry on, but the caller may still want to know about it.  These two
> are suitable for general purpose libraries, depending on the case.  We
> certainly use all three in the compiler, though primarily the first and the
> third.
> This whole scheme isn't terribly composable, though.  Code must be written
> differently depending on whether it may abort due to errors and so forth.
>  This is precisely what exceptions were aiming to solve, I suppose (Java's
> checked exceptions representing a kind of middle ground).  It may be that
> error propagation is too important to be papered over entirely, though.

Yep no one disputes that exceptions are better for user code that's
easy to read / write but they are still not suitable for systems
programming .

You could have optional exceptions but not use them in corelib /
systems programming/ Cinterop , can exceptions work well with regions

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