Le 11/07/2012 03:05, Brian Anderson a écrit :
> On 07/10/2012 12:13 PM, David Bruant wrote:
>> (...)
> Tasks do have a memory cost, but it is theoretically quite low. Rust
> tasks on linux currently have somewhere around 4K of overhead, and
> that's around 3K more than we would like and think is possible. Most
> of that is dedicated to the call stack, and there are a lot of
> potential future optimizations to minimize the cost of creating a task
> (by e.g. reusing them).
I haven't implemented a JavaScript event loop, but for comparison,
that's more or less a list where each element is a function with some
arguments. Very likely less than 1k (but with certainly other downsides)

> The intent is that you should not have to think about whether using a
> task is too expensive, because it is cheap.
> I'm not familiar with how the JavaScript event loop works but I
> imagine that it has similar responsibilities to the Rust scheduler.
The idea is that a JavaScript "processing unit" (sorry, I don't know the
correct term for this) has a stack and a message queue (the list I
mentionned above). Each message is a function and some arguments. This
function is called and when the call (and the nested ones) are complete,
the next message is processed. There is no preemption. (there are some
weird not-very-standards cases in browsers that break that rule).
The message queue would be the equivalent of the Rust scheduler. I
realized after posting my message that goroutines and Rust tasks could
actually be implemented with a message queue (I'm not asking for that, I
just realized it) with the difference that if some code gets stuck in an
infinite loop, everything else is blocked and that may not be a good
thing for a system language. I'm not sure. Maybe "some" preemption and
the ability to kill a message (or the message being processed) could

> Instead of calling callbacks in response to events though the Rust
> scheduler resumes execution of tasks.
I've been thinking about this particular point and about my experience
with node.js.
Node.js has been critized a lot for not enabling parallelism by defaut.
By default, your code runs in one system process (it's possible that
some functions use several system threads under the hood, but you can't
do that in JavaScript code), but you can fork/spawn other processes.
There is also a way to know the number of cpus in your machine
My experience is that it feels very right to spawn as many processes
than you have CPUs (in case your program has a need for such a thing).
In that case, you're not leaving some CPUs unused, but at the same time,
you don't have a lot of processes/threads that you hardware can't run
and that cost memory and scheduling.
>From what I understand, this level of control cannot be achieved with
goroutines and Rust tasks. The only primitive means "create a new
concurrency unit and let the system figure it out". The downside of that
is that the Rust runtime need to create a lot of stacks and do some
scheduling itself. It sounds like it costs more than what can be done in
the Node.js model.
I don't have the perfect solution here, but there is certainly a
middleground to be found.

>> (...)
>> So I have several questions regarding Rust:
>> * Is synchronous blocking possible?
> I don't understand the term 'synchronous blocking' (as opposed to just
> 'blocking'). 
It's the same thing. I use both terms interchangeably. Sorry for the

> Receiving a value from a Rust port does block a task. Sending on a
> channel does not (whereas Go channels do block on send). We consider
> channels to be asynchronous, based on the sending behavior (vs. Go's
> synchronous channels).
>> * How does Rust deal with concurrent tasks synchronization?
> Channels are the primary synchronization primitive in Rust.
>> * How would you write the above example in Rust?
> I would basically write it like the Go example. If it didn't have to
> also wait for the timeout then I would instead use a vector of futures.
I would use promises (equivalent of futures) as well. Is there a
future/promise library in Rust?

> Here is that Go code translated to current Rust.
> (...)
Thanks for this example :-)

>> * Do you think it's satisfying in terms of expressiveness?
> No, but not for the reasons you suggest. Rust's split between ports
> and channels cause a lot of boilerplate, and the lack on an N-ary
> select function or control structure is a big omission. Rust's
> libraries in general need to be designed better.
Is it shared by the Rust community? How would you move forward from that

>> Rust is being used in the Servo project, itself aiming at building a web
>> browser. We've seen in the Snappy effort (and some other before that)
>> that encouraging asynchronisity is key in building responsive and
>> efficient software, hence all my questions about Rust take on
>> synchronisity.
> Here's an experiment.
> So if we were doing JavaScript-style concurrency in Rust we might write
> (...)
> This is fairly viable pattern in Rust because we have awesome unique
> closures that can be safely sent across tasks. Putting the state into
> a different task where you can mutate it involves more work than
> JavaScript, but with the benefit that all this work will happen in
> parallel.
I removed the code, but that's all interesting (and it helps me
understanding Rust better) and promising indeed, especially the
paralellisation part.

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