On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Patrick Walton <pwal...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 08/02/2012 12:51 PM, Emmanuel Surleau wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to rust, and I'm struggling to find an elegant way to work with
>> default
>> parameters.
> Generally we've been experimenting with method chaining to achieve things
> like default and named parameters in Rust. See the task builder API for an
> example:
> https://github.com/mozilla/**rust/blob/incoming/src/**libcore/task.rs#L197<https://github.com/mozilla/rust/blob/incoming/src/libcore/task.rs#L197>
> So I can see your use case being something like:
>     let flag = Flag("verbose", "Maximum verbosity").short_name("v");
> To implement this you'd write:
>     struct Flag {
>         name: &str;
>         desc: &str;
>         short_name: option<&str>;
>         max_count: uint;
>         banner: option<&str>;
>     }
>     // Constructor
>     fn Flag(name: &str, desc: &str) -> Flag {
>         Flag {
>             name: name,
>             desc: desc,
>             short_name: none,
>             max_count: 1,
>             banner: none
>         }
>     }
>     impl Flag {
>         fn short_name(self, short_name: &str) -> Flag {
>             Flag { short_name: some(short_name) with self }
>         }
>         fn max_count(self, max_count: uint) -> Flag {
>             Flag { max_count: max_count with self }
>         }
>         fn banner(self, banner: &str) -> Flag {
>             Flag { banner: some(banner) with self }
>         }
>     }
> (Note that this depends on the functional record update "with" syntax
> working for structs, which it doesn't yet.)
> If this style catches on it'd probably be nice to have a macro to generate
> the mutators (fn short_name, fn max_count, fn banner). Then instead of the
> "impl { ... }" above you'd write something like:
>     make_setter!(Flag.short_name: option<&str>, WrapOption);
>     make_setter!(Flag.max_count: uint);
>     make_setter!(Flag.banner: option<&str>, WrapOption);
> (Assuming that WrapOption is a special flag to the macro to indicate that
> the value should automatically be wrapped in "some").
> How does this sound?
> Patrick

-- Matthieu
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