On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Kevin Cantu <m...@kevincantu.org> wrote:
> While the destructuring / pattern matching lets might be annoying for
> one-line uses, maybe they'd help with larger blocks of code: maybe the
> present syntax just hasn't bothered me because I'm so used to Haskell's
> pattern matching.
> I like the idea of using `let |x, y| ...`, although I wouldn't want to
> overload the & for this purpose ( though we already have fn&)...  But my
> impression is that some much more important -- though less syntactical --
> changes may be under way with function closures right now.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your reply.

Exactly -- I based the use of '&' upon its existing use in the 'fn&'
syntax in the examples.

I understand that '&' is used in this syntax in contrast to '@' and
'~', to indicate that the closure is borrowing pointers to variables
in the enclosing scope, since the closure will live on the stack.
Contributing to that borrowed/shared/unique distinction seems like
a non-terrible use of '&' to me.

Aside from that, I used '&' mainly because it appeared in the syntax
in the examples; it's not something I was specifically advocating.

I'd be interested to read more about these deeper changes to closures
that are happening.  Is this something discussed on the mailing list?

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